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Horse Isle Help Center
Browse the different categories for detailed game info and help with any problems you may have.
Main CategoryECONOMY
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Top Ten Questions
1) How do I become a moderator?
2) How do I buy a horse?
3) How do I capture a horse?
4) How do I get off this little island?
5) How do I get to Pirate Isle?
6) How do I get to Prison Isle?
7) How do I make money?
8) Is there breeding in this game?
9) Where are the horses? >>>
10) Where is the Horse Whisperer/Pawneer
  Where are the horses?: Horses are everywhere except for in the towns. There are more horses on grass, sand and snow in general. It is best to look for a horse in areas where there aren't many people, that way you have a better chance of someone not finding it first.

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