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Horse Isle Help Center
Browse the different categories for detailed game info and help with any problems you may have.
Main CategoryECONOMY
(12 topics)
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(38 topics)
(38 topics)
(36 topics)
Sub Category:
1) Autosell system
2) Buying a horse >>>
3) Capturing a wild horse
4) Horses are hard to find
5) How to find a wild horse
6) How to find out what horses are for sale
7) Someone caught the horse I was going for!
8) The Ads Channel
9) The Horse Whisperer
10) The Pawneer
11) Wild horses
  Buying a horse: You can buy a horse off another player in different ways. One is trading with another player. They will offer you a horse for a certain amount of money. If you think it is a fair trade, ACCEPT it. Otherwise ask to see if they might lower the cost. Another way to buy a horse is through the AUTOSELL system. Players can put a horse on autosell, then anyone who is at the same place as them can buy the horse, or anyone visiting their ranch can buy the horse (click on a barn to see a player's horses at a ranch).

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