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VIEWING BUGS FORUM THREAD: Can't see what characters say?
REPLY: (by SaddlebredShow) Sep 21 2017 4:00pm
Whenever I try to talk to a non-player character I can not see what they're saying. All of my responses I can choose from are all listed but I just can't see anything they are saying. I've cleared my cookies/cache thing and I use google chrome as my browser. This has been going on since I re-joined about a week ago. Is there anything else I can do that will fix this?
REPLY: (by Pathfinder) Sep 22 2017 9:06am
Put your mouse on where the chat should be, and scroll up or down. It works for me. :)
REPLY: (by Mouse) Sep 23 2017 8:54pm
You can try zooming in or out, or highlighting their text.
Once you highlight the "missing" text, you'll be able to read it. I've been having this problem for a long time, not sure why it started doing this, but it'd be cool if it sometime got fixed.
REPLY: (by Kagomo) Sep 25 2017 9:58pm
I had the same problem when I went into Witherton to get the Saddle Isle bridge password from that girl! Needless to say it didn't help much. XD I have not tried the little tricks to get around this yet though, I'll have to do that and see if it works!
REPLY: (by Miranda) Mar 31 2018 4:08pm
This seems to be attached to the browser you're using as well as if you're zoomed in or not. It's not something we can 'fix' because it's not an overall glitch. It's how Flash and the text is cooperating with the zoom level of your browser.

So, if you run into this, I recommend changing the zoom of the game (on a Windows machine, go back to the website, hold Ctrl and scroll your mouse wheel or push + or -). If that doesn't help, I recommend trying a different browser to see if that one behaves better.

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