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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Buying/Selling Subscriptions
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Sep 6 2012 3:24pm
Please follow the rules for this so you are not scammed. We do Not return the money to you if you choose to ignore this:

Gift Subs.
1] You are allowed to sell subscriptions for in-game, Horse Isle money, however, Horse Isle does not endorse or recommend this since you must trade on a promise.
2] When selling a subscription, you must buy the subscription via PayPal before receiving the money from the player you are buying the subscription for. It is far more likely a player will pay you in-game money for a received subscription than it is for a player to pay real money to subscribe someone after they have received the in-game money.
3] If the player you bought a subscription for does not pay you immediately after it shows up on their account (you should be able to tell if they log out and back in with a star) then contact support and we will take the money from the person and give it to you. If we have to do this, more than what was promised will most likely be taken as a sort of payment for our time in the matter.
4] A player not paying after they received a subscription is one of the only instances where we will go into the other player's account and take what was promised.
5] If the subscription was paid for via PayPal eCheck, then the player receiving the subscription should wait until their account is credited, then pay the person that bought the subscription.
6] DO NOT attempt to claim you are selling a subscription or pawneer order if you are not subscribed yourself. This could land with you an immediate mute since, from our experience, someone that does not subscribe themselves will not subscribe someone else.

This policy can be found in the Detailed Rules under "Selling Gift Subscriptions".

Basically 99% of the time players want or insist on money
first is because they are scamming. Since there is no way they can be
scammed... There is no reason to insist on money first.

If Player 1 is buying a Sub from Player 2, (Player 2 is selling a
sub for real life money) and Player 1 doesn't pay for the sub that
has been receved.... Player 1 gets banned, and we will take the money
from Player 1's account and give it to Player 2. There is no way
Player 2 won't receive the agreed upon or standard amount. All Player 2 has to do is contact us.

So, when they say they have been scammed before...no they have not
been, unless they chose to not contact us and get their money.

I'm seeing quite a bit of scamming, so please follow the above rules so you don't lose your money.



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