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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Rule Clarification(s)
REPLY: (by Drosophilia) Mar 12 2013 3:39pm
As we all know, jumping and selling horses are two of the hottest topics discussed in most chats on Horse Isle.

Simple jumping is often advertised in global, and advertising is the correct word, according to HI rules, which state the following:

The definition of an advertisement is: "to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it."

When advertising simple in global, it can get very repetitive, but when saying something about it, I'm told that it doesn't belong in ads chat - by the mods. It's very confusing - so that's point one I want clarification on - it's very black and white, cut and dry. Do simple advertisements belong in ads chat, or not?

Point 2 - Is posting the same ad in ads chat once a minute, "spamming"? For example, posting "Knabstrup for sale, $500k." once a minute, the same ad, every minute. I've been told both ways.

I'd love it if I could recieve one FINAL opinion on this point, not multiples of different answers.


Drosophilia - Roan
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Mar 12 2013 7:42pm
Players may use Global to ask others to join a comp. Basically it's not advertising, nothing is being sold one is only asking others to join a comp. That said, spamming said request is not allowed. :)

Ads chat has a 1 minute wait time, that is to prevent spamming chat. If there are no others using ads chat, then it's nice if the person using it does not flood the chat. But if some players don't have logins muted, the "flood" issue is iffy.

For example if you have logins muted the same ad may flood your screen. If the advertiser doesn't have logins muted then their last ad may have scrolled off the screen.

Spamming is spamming, so if the ad is less than the 1 minute you may report for spamming.

If the advertiser is annoying you can mute that person or mute ads chat for a bit.


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