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REPLY: (by CaptainSifKirk) Sep 12 2014 4:04pm
I'm not sure what section to put this subject in, but I'll try here.
I think we should get more then one name change. You pay $3 for a name change on HI2. I already asked support about tokens on this game but they said there's no space for it, or something along the lines of that. But what if, say you get a month sub. You're able to change your name once, like it is now pretty much. But if you buy another month sub, then you're allowed to change your name. And what if, we get a year sub, but we are only allowed to change our name 3 times, like once every 100 days, unless we buy another sub.
HI has said you're limited ONE name change to avoid confusion. But what I don't understand is that you can change your name on HI2 as many times as you wish, as long as you pay. I know a lot of people have been playing here and some have used up that final name change and don't want to go back to their old name and would like to have a different name. I know I would. I actually requested my old account be deleted so I could make a new account cause I wasn't able to change my name anymore. So I had to start ALL over again. It was a risk I was willing to take, but don't you guys agree? Maybe we can figure out some sort of other way besides the sub way like I suggested? I'm just saying. HI has said one name change to avoid confusion, but you can have as many name changes as you want on HI2 as long as you pay. I think it should be like that for HI1 as well.
-CaptainSifKirk (Pinto)
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Sep 12 2014 4:11pm
The reason this isn't basically allowed is because, unlike HI2, we can Only track players by their usernames on HI1. On HI2 we can track by player ID so the username isn't really important.

So for example lets say you got ripped of by PlayerX who then had a name change to PlayerAble. I have no idea who PlayerX is now. So short version: I either have to track though support mail and see who got a name change if possible to find if the old name was mentioned. If not, then no way of knowing. So the scammer gets away with it.

Also, it is a total 100% nightmare to try to sift though weeks of chat logs and player name changes. This happened when HI2 went live and players were allowed a free name change, oh my word, the time involved in trying to figure out who was who was unreal.

And, unfortunately HI1 can't be re-programmed to track with player ID. :(

I think it would be great for players to be able to change their names, but on this game unfortunately it's not feasible.



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