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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Training: Trading on a Promise
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Dec 31 2015 1:44pm
We do not have a set up to where this actually works well.

Thus we do not recommend players do this.

However, obviously players are. *laughing out loud!*


When you enter into a training agreement or any type of agreement please use a sort of contract arrangement.


X amount of training for horse (name) to be done within X amount of time. If contact happens then X amount of money will be paid.

If training is not completed (specify what is to happen here = no money given, x amount of money given...)

Contract may be changed if both parties agree to it, but otherwise that contract is binding.

This way...If one person defaults on the contract (doesn't complete the agreement) I can see exactly what was supposed to happen, exactly who did or did not do what.

Note: I have no idea if or how much training was done on the horse, so that part is not entered in here. Basically this is for PartyA decides to keep the horse. Or PartyB refuses to pick up the horse.

What I can see is who is supposed to have the horse and who isn't giving the horse back, or who is asking for more than a contract agreement... That type of thing.

When you give a horse out for training, expect to pay for it. If you take a horse for training, train it or don't expect to be paid for it. Do not keep the horse if you are only to train it for X amount of time.

Be sure to pick up the horse on time if you are the owner. If you can't be on, make arrangements for that with the trainer.

Or, expect to be scammed. I need clear contracts/agreements before I can act on them.

Because this training bit is iffy...is why it's not recommend you do this. Many, many players lose their horses. On HI2 there is a lease contract system that prevents this, but unfortunately it can't be put into HI1. So if you choose to let your horse out for training, please be very careful and don't be too upset if you lose the horse, or lose money.

Trainers, be clear and precise and fulfill the contract, do not keep the horse (unless the owner fails to take the horse back after training is completed or refuses to pay anything.) And please specify in the contract what is to happen if this is the case.

We follow the real life rules for horse training.

If you have questions please ask here, I will check this topic off and on.

So basically the contract should include the following:

1) Amount of training to be done.
2) Amount of money to be paid for above training or whatever payment is to be done.
3) Amount of time above is to occur.
4) What will happen if training is not completed.
5) What will happen if owner does not pick up horse on time.
6) Are refunds given or not. (Always best to pay in full after training.)
7) Can contract be changed or is it locked as is (not alterable.)

Then...I have something to work with if the above doesn't happen. :)
REPLY: (by Aniya) Jan 3 2016 3:46pm
I have a horse out for training with a player who just never came back online... i even bought a sub for them when they hit 60 days off so that their account would stay alive with a wishful hope they might come back.. they have now been off 78 Days. Dont know if there is anything at all that can be done, but i thought id ask anyways.. :)
REPLY: (by Aniya) Jan 3 2016 3:48pm
Also, what happens if a horse is training with someone and they get banned?
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Jan 3 2016 5:04pm
The horse remains on the others account. We do not return things. So if an account times out, so does the horse.

For banning, again the horse remains on their account, so if the ban is permanent the horse will eventually time out along with the banned account.

If the account did time out, then the horse is gone from the game. We don't back up deleted accounts, they are gone permanently.


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