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REPLY: (by Amity) May 3 2016 10:16pm
Just a random thought that I don't even know if it's possible but I just thought I'd post it here anyways seeing as when I put it in global it got a lot of positive responses.

anyone feel free to add to this.

The base idea is, foals that you can purchase and they will turn into a base wild horse after a set point has been reached. Foals would only keep the color they were bought in, a chestnut foal would be a chestnut adult horse of a random breed with random stats.

1) It could be time based Days/Hrs

2) It could be experienced based
- Trainer and companion shop located only on Cloud.
- This would give players a reason to quest and it would increase activity/interest in the game.
- Foals would age after reaching a set amount of exp.
- Exp would only show at trainer.
- Exp would be random, much like the exp you get for jumping. (1pt, 2pt, 4pt, 8pt, 12pt) [I think that's right don't laugh if it isn't ;) ]
- Trainer would have all of the same characteristics as the current trainers, set cost(the same or more than the other trainers), time between training sessions (the same or more than other trainers, increased or not with a training pen)
- When traded with another player the foal would lose all experience and have to restart the training process.

Things that would not work with the foals
Foals would not gain exp when equipped as a companion, only at trainer. In this case they are only a showcase item per se.
Foals will have no animation when going from foal to adult.
Horses aged from foals will not age past adult.
There would be no additional pages other than the trainer on Cloud. (exp only appears at the training pen, foal has no stats until final horse is generated.)
The horse would appear as an adult the same way a PO appears.
Foals will still be able to be purchased as they currently are.

When traded with another player the foal would lose all experience and have to restart the training process.
REPLY: (by GoblinKing) May 3 2016 10:58pm
I don't think this will be possible just due to the amount of coding and reprogramming that will have to happen.
REPLY: (by Kokomo) May 4 2016 5:06am
its a good idea but not sure if they can fit it into the game would be a really cool thing to have though its a wonderful idea just not sure if coding can handle that
REPLY: (by Granny) May 4 2016 11:31am
If it was bought a foal, it should stay a foal. If you wanted it to age, that's what Life Cycle is for. Basically the whole point of them having another website for just that *laughing out loud!*.
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) May 4 2016 12:28pm
On HI1 we do not allow horse breeding. We do have foals that can be purchased at Foal Adoption Centers.

HI1 has limited abilities in it's programming, and on occasion the counter has issues. Having a foal age and become an adult horse is not something that is feasible for this game.

To be able to have foals that age, you can play on HI2 Life Cycle server. There players may breed horses, watch the foals grow. Once they reach a specific age they can be trained, then once adult they can be ridden and competed with. :)


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