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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Clarification on the warping/whispering rule
REPLY: (by Magi) May 22 2016 8:04pm
Hi, so basically there's been a lot of discussion in my buddy chat about these warping to help players and stuff rule.
I have asked in global about a certain scenario and was told it was fine, but im going to ask about it here as well.

Say Player 1 and Player 2 are buddies and whispering. P1 is doing a-z and P2 is doing z-a.
P1 asks P2 if they can rewhisper a horse for them as they are having trouble finding it and have been looking for a good while. P2 agrees and rewhispers the breed for P1, then warps to P1 and helps them find the horse. Upon location of the horse, P2 leaves and lets P1 catch the horse.

Is this allowed. Is this vio worthy.
I can see how this can be unfair if, of course other players are around also looking for the horse. But in this scenario say no-one other than P1 is looking for the horse.

If this is badly worded I apologise. Words are hard.

REPLY: (by Granny) May 23 2016 9:33am
Myself and a buddy do exactly that, but only as we have a quiet server. She takes A-Z, and I take Z-A. I am hopeless at finding horses sometimes, so she has to re whisper for me, and if I still can't find it, she *poofs* to me, finds it and then *poofs* off.

However if it's a busy server it would seem unfair to others.
REPLY: (by Asteria) May 23 2016 9:20pm
I'd like to know about this too, specifically if you are looking for a horse and someone else is looking too, and then has their buddy poof to help them find the horse even tho someone else is also looking for it :)
REPLY: (by Centaur) May 23 2016 9:49pm
Asteria, I tried explaining what had happened but you had muted me. I asked Deb for a RW before you had showed up but she didn't get to it until she got the horse she was after. At that point you had just showed up. I tried to apologise for having a bud there after you showed up but I was muted straight away. I'm all for fair go on the whispering buzz first in first serve, if you had have shown up earlier I wouldnt have asked for a bud to come help
REPLY: (by Asteria) May 23 2016 9:53pm
We arrived at the same time so I'm wondering how that works. Either way I'm still curious about the rule on it
REPLY: (by Centaur) May 23 2016 10:03pm
"We" as in you and I or you and Deb cause I was there about 5 minutes cause I didn't screenshot and that's why I asked for a RW. I'm sorry for all this though
REPLY: (by Asteria) May 23 2016 10:07pm
When I showed up you were walking down from the sand so it looked as if you and I got there at the same time- hence why I was so mad that all of the sudden someone else showed up to help. I'm sorry too, it just looked bad from my point of view Dx
REPLY: (by Centaur) May 23 2016 10:11pm
"We" as in you and I or you and Deb cause I was there about 5 minutes cause I didn't screenshot and that's why I asked for a RW. I'm sorry for all this though
REPLY: (by Centaur) May 23 2016 10:13pm
I did try explain but then I got angry as well cause I was muted and couldn't explain my side :/
REPLY: (by Asteria) May 23 2016 10:28pm
Well I am sorry, it wasn't fair of me to act on my anger so quickly
REPLY: (by Centaur) May 23 2016 10:32pm
Don't worry about it, it's cleared up now
REPLY: (by Debris) May 24 2016 3:42am
I also tried to PM but was muted, therefore couldn't. I was attempting to get something in fireflower maze whilst Cent asked for a RW and I finally got to whisperer and poofed to help her once I “got a hit” so I knew where to look to help her. Was quite surprised to see you there to be honest. Finding a vio on my account after all this, I was quite annoyed as all I did was attempt to help out a bud aha.

After a few emails back and forth between Connie and I, I'm still unsure as to where this is all stated in the rules/in unipeg uniters. Of course, warping to non-buds is not on, and stationing buds across the isles so you can easily warp to hard-to-reach places is also bad. But simply poofing to a bud in need, helping them look and then poofing out once the horse is found should be a simple yes? You are after all taking the time and effort to help someone, it should not be rewarded with a big, fat vio on your account. It has been partially (yet in a confusing and contradicting way) been explained in forums but many players - me included - do not browse the forums.

I was also wondering, why can chat logs not be checked in this sort of situation? I asked this question in an email but it was casually avoided.

REPLY: (by Asteria) May 24 2016 11:08am
I didn't have you muted for warping but that's a moot point. But in regards to the rule about it, I don't see why it should be a problem to help a bud when they ask, but it is terribly irritating to have someone else warp when Player A and Player B are both looking for the same horse- which then turns into 2 players against one in my opinion which is frustrating. But I agree chat logs need to be looked through in these cases, to see if it was a misunderstanding or not.
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) May 25 2016 1:22pm
1) I'm going to look further into the chat if possible.
Problem: I have no idea who your buddies are, so if you are helping a buddy and talking only in buddy, please somewhere give that buddies name so I can also bring up that players chat... *laughing out loud!* (My crystal ball broke!) ;)

2) No idea if this will happen (be possible) however I have asked if it's possible to put in a few more warp points in the game so that basically warping to a person isn't needed to get to a horse faster. Such as another warp point on Jungle, Desert, Lava... I'll let you know what answer I receive to the suggestion.

3) I greatly appreciate players efforts to comply with my request to not warp directly to others (use others as a warp point when whispering and getting a hit) as the fighting has improved. Thank you. *Bows* XD

On HI2 it's easy to delete a violation, on HI1 however it's very difficult to do. Miranda has to go searching though the data base for that and it's just a massive block of content. So usually, she only removes 4 pointers. What I normally do in such a situation is make a note on the players account to ignore the point. That said... This only happens IF it's obvious that the violation(s) truly should not have been given...

Please don't try to get out of your violations by fussing when you really did break the game rules... :P (Doesn't work either...) ;)


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