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REPLY: (by Woof) Jul 2 2016 9:12pm
As a long-time HI player with disabilities, I was extremely disappointed to see that Sumiko's quests revolve around her intent to start a "Riding for the Handicapped" program. The work "handicapped" is extremely outdated and saying that someone wants to start a program "for the handicapped" completely removes the individuality of persons with disabilities. Please consider altering these quests to use person-first language such as "a riding program for persons with disabilities" or "a riding program specially created for those who are differently-abled".
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Jul 3 2016 9:52am
Here in California where I live they are still referred to as "handicapped" since in some manner there is a type of disability. Some are labeled as "disabled" programs, however the vast majority is: "Program for the handicapped/disabled person." So in parts of the US it's still used.

The game is old, when it was created and when that quest was written, it was the current term. It's not feasible to go in and change every word that goes out of style.

Just know it's not meant to be insensitive or offensive in any manner. It's a quest on a pixel game. :)
REPLY: (by Ladybug) Jul 4 2016 5:50pm
I'm honestly very disappointed about the response to this post. I don't want to be rude, but I feel like what you said just invalidated Woof's feelings about something that is legitimate and important. Although it may be impractical to change every word "that has gone out of style" in the game, I feel like if a player says "I find this thing in-game to be offensive for a legitimate reason" the response should, at the VERY least be an apology. In saying "Well, this term is still used where I live" it feels like you are also saying "because this is still in use today it is okay and not problematic" and that's not always true.

Woof is not asking you to go back and change every outdated word. They are asking you to change a word that is offensive and harmful to disabled persons.

Although this is just "a quest on a pixel game" it still is perpetuating and condoning the use of a word that is inaccurate, hurtful, and dated. Please don't undermine the power of a word and the misunderstanding and hurt it can cause real persons who deal with a ton of discrimination in our society.

REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Jul 4 2016 9:00pm
There are always things someone will take offense to.

Not saying that's wrong, and not trying to single out anyone. But always there is something someone doesn't like.

If we changed everything then we wouldn't have the game.

I don't mean to be insensitive at all. I have friends who are disabled, including my Mom. I helped a neighbor for a while with her Handicapped Riding Academy a few years ago and yes that was what it was called.

I realize the current proper term is "Disabled Person" but we don't have the resources to change every term every time it changes in real life.

The coding on HI1 is one solid block wall of text. Quests, etc. are embedded here and there in the game coding. To try and remove all of that would possibly take hours.

Only Joe and Miranda can do that, they are very busy people. If it's something that is very nasty, or terribly inappropriate ok, otherwise please realize that when it was placed into the game it was the correct wording.

The "it's just a pixel game" is only to say that this is a game, it's not reality, it should not be so important to someone that they take it massively seriously. Yes, it's a super fun game, and yes it's important. But not life important. It's a game. It's not reality.

Horse Isle is it's own world. :)
REPLY: (by Desertmorn) Jul 20 2016 12:12pm
I've done some research on the best way to modify this quest. Unfortunately, I've found this to be a difficult issue to resolve.

This game has players beyond just the U.S.region.

In other parts of the world, many people are highly offended by the term "differently abled" and insist the preferred terms are handicapped or disabled,just as there are those who find those very same terms offensive.

I regret that this seems to be a catch-22 situation due to regional preferences and the ongoing evolution of the human language.


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