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REPLY: (by Paranormality) Jun 15 2017 5:40pm
I've had a lot of people agree with me when I think maybe we should have a residue eraser type thing? Something that maybe is like a factory reset for the horse, sets it back to original for those people who dislike residue.
So for instance, a horse is born as a max height black Salernitano and someone pellets it to bay. I think it would be cool if we could get a pellet that would reset the residue counter to 0 and reset the horse back to black. The coding change wouldn't be large, it would just require a variable to save the horses original color/height.
I think to make it fair you'd have to make it like a 250m or 500m pellet though just to be fair so that people don't go erasing random horses that they're training etc.
Thoughts? Opinions? Changes anyone?
REPLY: (by PaintedDreams) Jun 15 2017 5:47pm
i second this idea!it sounds real interesting to have
REPLY: (by Bliss) Jun 15 2017 5:48pm
I second this idea! I would love to be able to erase some of the residue on my horses.
REPLY: (by Arlo) Jun 15 2017 5:49pm
I don't agree sorry, simply if a player doesn't like residue on a horse; don't buy it or just put up with it.
I don't think having a 'reset' pellet is such a great idea.
I personally haven't heard anyone ask for or talk about a reset pellet what I have heard is a gender pellet; not sure I'm all for that one either but Id rather see that introduced than a reset pellet.
Colour & Height pellets are basically there to change what a player wants and was a money drainer. That horse that has residue was either what someone wanted or something they were aiming to achieve.
Sorry that it probably wasn't what you were looking to hear but I wouldn't like it as a idea for Horse Isle to introduce these pellets.
REPLY: (by Amber) Jun 15 2017 11:48pm
I think resetting a horse back to an original would be great. I know lots of nice horses which were already gorgeous who were pelleted, then the new owner sold them because they realised that they'd 'made a mistake'.
I think it's a nice idea
REPLY: (by Max) Jun 16 2017 12:21am
I don't think they would be able to do this with the horses currently in the game, perhaps to new horses caught but I doubt they would be willing to make that coding change.
An alternative idea I've had for a while now-
What if instead of the counter there would just be a small spot that said "this horse has magical residue"? I know a lot of people hate having a number that keeps track of how many pellets, so this would solve that.
I also think ut pellets should count as residue, but our current system makes that really obnoxious because the counter would get so high. I would be in support of a residue eraser, but I also think that changing how we track residue would be a nice compromise or even just an additional nice change.
I mean the purpose of the residue is to track "unnatural" changes to a horse, I think all pellets should be included, just not tracked by number cause that gets excessive...
Just want to throw this into the mix cause the counters have been bothering my ocd so badly and I'm really bothered by ut pellets not counting as magic residue cause they're literally magic residue and my ocd can't handle the inconsistency please help
REPLY: (by Bliss) Jun 16 2017 5:13am
Yes Max! I agree with everything you've said also. That would also be a good option because the number really irritates me.
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Jun 16 2017 12:16pm
The entire point of the reside is so that players know if a horse has been altered in any way. As in a "track record" of what has been done to/with the horse.

Being able to erase that negates the entire point of having it.

A vast number of players asked for a way to know if a horse had been altered from what it was when it was spawned other than normal training. So Jor implemented the residue bit.

He can remove it entirely I presume, but I can't see being able to erase the results as then there is no reason to have it there in the first place.


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