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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Re: The Releasing Of Horses
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Jul 28 2017 1:40pm
It is not against the rules to release horses.

However, it is not nice to annoy others either. Releasing a few horses now and then is fine, and totally allowed. Releasing a lot (more than 10) of horses all at once is not ok at all and will result in a permanent ban.

To help with this issue and to prevent being harassed, you can announce the horse breeds you are going to release so those who are whispering and want a wild horse not a released horse know to not whisper that breed for 1 hour. Then immediately release.

If you release off and on all the time, that goes to ruining the fun for others and may earn you violations. In other words if you pretty much keep released horses out there all the time, that is not ok.

Please respect others rights to be able to whisper wild horses if they wish to.

For those whispering, please respect the right of players to release now and then.

Lets all play nicely. Do not harass others. If you feel rules are broken you may file an abuse report. I can see in the logs when and how many horses are released by a player. Let me deal with it.

While releasing horses does not remove any wilds that are out, it does go to the total horse count of horses available for capture.

So, released horses will delay wild horses spawning. Wilds will not spawn until the available horse count drops to 39, then one will spawn to bring it to the 40 count back up. If you release 5 horses, then there are 45 in the game. None will spawn until the count is down to 39. Those 5 horses you released will delete in 1 hour if not captured, but that is still 1 hour.

Bottom line:
I can see in the logs when and how many horses were
released. If a person just releases a few horses now and then it's
not a big deal. Releasing all the time or very frequently is ruining
the fun for others and causes a problem which may result in violations.
Releasing mass quantities of horses is a permanent ban.


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