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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Re: Lagging - Clarification
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Aug 1 2017 7:38pm
Lag happens. Especially on HI1 as it's an old game. Some people have more "speed" than others. There are a lot of things that can cause lag.

It is not against the rules to have lag. If the lag is bad enough for the player they may choose to log off once in a while "lag dump" that clears out the buffer for a bit. But they don't have to.

One players lag may or may not affect others on the game outside of competitions.

If someone in a comp has lag, then they have lag. They are not required to log off or quit the comp.

If their lag bothers you, there are other locations you can go to.

Generally the only affect from another persons lag is that the scores are slow getting there. They will eventually get there however.

For some players lag is not something that can be solved. For others it can be helped briefly. Depends on many, many things.

Now, if a player is deliberately creating lag with the "sole" purpose of ruining the fun for others, that is against the rules. We do not allow players to ruin the fun for others.

However if it's not deliberate to only ruin the fun for others then fine.

Players do not have to log off or do a lag dump if they do not wish to do so. Please do not harass them.

REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Sep 16 2017 8:53pm
Bumping this up. :)

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