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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Offline Version of the Game?
REPLY: (by ChickenJoe) Nov 8 2020 2:19am
I've been a player since the beginning, and have enjoyed HI1, 2 and now 3 throughout the years. I'm well into my adult years now but dang did the nostalgia hit hard when I loaded up HI1 for the first time in well over a year.

As someone familiar with how these games run, I'm not entirely sure how viable of an option this would be but I wasn't on when Joe and Miranda went over the closing details I figured I'd drop the suggestion/question.
How possible would it be to release an offline version of the game? Tweak it a little to add more NPC presence in mini games, arenas, and auctions (as randomly generated horse sales) and I think it would be a fun game one could buy a copy of for their computer and play as a single player. I know I personally would purchase one if only for the nostalgia but I'm sure others would be interested in something like that? I never had the chance to complete all the NPC quests, or all the mini games, and the way HI1 formatted vs. HI2 and 3, it seems like a possibility?
Again, I 100% understand this is probably not an option. Joe and Miranda have already put so much into a game that just doesn't have a lot of interaction anymore and they themselves had said they were losing money keeping it running. I understand they probably don't want to invest more into this game when their focus has (and should be) been on HI2 and 3. I just figured I'd mention that's something I thought of and would be interested in if the possibility ever arose.

Thank you for all the cherished memories, everyone. This game helped me through a very difficult childhood and I met some amazing people on here.
REPLY: (by DesertPaint) Nov 8 2020 12:15pm
Off line version is not something Joe wants to do.

There is a slight possibility that he will bring HI1 back IF we can still access Flash games (which we think we will be able to do.) And if they are still popular.

However it's a rather big "IF" so we will have to wait and see.

HI1 is quite old, done in a very old version of Adobe Flash, and it would take a Lot of time to re-program the security for the game.

It's something we will have to wait and see on.
REPLY: (by ChickenJoe) Nov 15 2020 10:45pm
dang, I kind of figured that would be the answer but it's still disappointing to hear. I understand though.
I hope it's able to stick around for a while yet. I'd really like to see the lava isles again before the game goes, *laughing out loud!*! I appreciate the reply :)

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