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VIEWING GAME FORUM THREAD: Previously-Owned Unowned Ranches
REPLY: (by WildHorseRunning) Nov 11 2020 12:31pm
So I've been ranch hunting lately, because I'm not terribly happy with my current ranch location and if a ranch opens up in a spot I've had my eye on ever since I first joined way back in 07, I'd like to move.

My question though, is: Do previously-owned ranches change their look when they become unowned? Like do they go from the grey building back down to one of the lower level ones when you're looking at the ranches from the outside(like on Cabin, there's lots of Unowned Ranches which say 'Unowned Ranch' when you click on them, but they show the little white tents)? Trying to figure out if I should keep spending time running around clicking on each individual ranch or if I should be simply looking at how they look in the game world to get an idea of if they're still owned or not.
REPLY: (by Lioness) Nov 11 2020 12:48pm
Yes, they used revert back to the tepee eventually (though I can't remember if this was related to updates to the game or not to "refresh" things). If they are sold manually, then they will initially be that second shack. If the person's sub expired, then there is usually no change for a while. Since many of the spots are former subs expiring, I would keep clicking on each once since it takes a while to go back to the tepee.
REPLY: (by WildHorseRunning) Nov 11 2020 12:49pm
Ah, okay! Thank you :D

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