[ ] Wiches, or Wizards, or Pirates for us to choose from. CHARS [ ] Add Server-specific forums in-game? or out? [ ] Make more volehole levels and release (+ art) [ ] PM auto reply [ ] Muting of channels (Global, etc) [ ] POSSIBLY raise pawneer for trained horses [ ] List of all "Counted" Stats [ ] And adding more horse quizes/games. [ ] A circus competition, where it requires intelligence and personality, so there is something that the smaller and less talented breeds can excel in =]. [ ] goat companion [ ] Clear Rules and Violation Values, Clear moderaotr guidelines [ ] Gold Mine [X] option to resend auth email? [ ] Parental controls via email? [X] track last server connected to [X] ADD AUCTION HOusE [X] Profiles filters/rules?? Players are stating their ages, etc. [X] Add a BUY 5 or BUY 10 buttons in shops [ ] Mark stuff you can craft and those you cant.?? [X] Top 10 [X] BestHorseGames.com [ ] Throwa quest referencing the silver brumbi character (jessielala loves it) http://www.hotkey.net.au/~sasami/brumby/tree/thowra.html [X] Add a change password system for players [X] Add random SIckness/health problems for horses TWISTED ANCKLES /COLDS? etc... [X] Remove Button Disable for CRAFT ing [ ] Add a password to checkgateway.php [ ] Add Max - wrong passwords detection [ ] Add a Max number of packets per minute to Clients in server? [X] Add a cached object table? [X] Use Cached MAPTABLE everywhere in place of sql [ ] Add SPLAT sfx for tomato etc. [ ] Put up a dialog box: Are you playing? Disconnect in 1 minute... [X] If chatin is focused, then new chat should scroll boxes [X] Build a check entering system [X] Horses spawning does not check exteneded tiles properly... [ ] Show ranch locations on autosell lists [X] Put a limit on Crafting items when inventory full [X] Fix Basketball game network code errors [X] test ban / trade system on beta [X] Lieffrings do cash/checks??? PO BOX?? [X] Remove tools from inventory make eternal [X] Allow BBCODE in descriptions? [X] Fix Arenas?? Racing arena not doing proper player updates?!!? [X] Allow commas in numbers!!! 4,000 = 4000 NOT 4!!! [X] Add /buddy /all /near chat shortcuts [X] get support mail properly labeled [X] See about proper reply addressing, what does gmail offer? SOON NOW THAT LIVE: [X] Moderator Abilities /Positions [X] Moderator Application [X] Moderators and Admins different colored chat for recognition [X] Make CHAT ADMIN to allow mods to chat with each other [ ] Have an easy way for players to be able to chat with a moderator [X] Why Subscribe? [X] Game Manual / Tech Tips (knowledge base) [X] CLeanup scripts - (remove new accounts when not verified for??? 2 days?) 50 hours [X] Cleanup accounts after 30days+number of logins of inactivity [X] Limit global chat text length [ ] Fix admin commands up some, none do enough error checking.. . BEFORE GOING LIVE: [X] snow weather [X] darken fog [X] Playtime limits enforced [X] Admin silence Function [X] IP Blocking? [X] Get a server online [X] Get New User SIgnup system [X] Clear rules/policies [ ] Parental COntrols System [/] Migrate Betas to live server that want credit. [X] Horse ISle Logo? Remake site? [X] Competition clothes [X] 200+ Quests [X] Pirate Isle + Tiles [X] FLower Isle Redone [X] Security Enhancement [X] Fix Telescope extended tiles [X] Player ghosts once in a while... [X] Other weather FX - weather system Anyone TODO: [ ] Make up more Pictionary Random Words for Drawing room [ ] Make up Riddle Room Horse RIddles [ ] Make up more generic riddles [ ] Make up More Poetry room word lists? [ ] COme up with slick minigame ideas [ ] Report bugs Miranda TODO: [X] Work on RULES [X] Work on TECHNICAL POINTS [X] Work on GAME MANUAL for horse isle [X] TItle forest areas [ ] more horse specific games [ ] Make 1-2 quests per day :) - Clean up other quests [/] Re Build new competition clothes in stead of normal clothes [X] Sound Effects for games [X] Develop a list of CLient sound effects actvated by server (Slap, rip, break, hit,Growl) for some socials, and also for other random events. [X] Proof Riddles / add riddles [X] Map colorings #1 Snow whiter green [X] add objects to better balance spawning over larger world now [X] Add map areas for new islands [X] Assign existing icons to all the objects with iconid 1 that you can. And then tell jo to draw rest. [X] Fala painting too hard. [X] Tuttle Painting - Too hard?!?! I cant get it? (Onlooker) too [X] Arica Offered to make the different color versions of pixel horse?! Do we want? [X] Think about/plan workshops [X] 3 More music quests [X] Jornak: And with the T-Rex quest, I don't get a reminder in the right text box, just something to note. [X] convert charla mae to a collecting oranges additional step [X] Add playerextendeds for all [X] Muzzle forest is pretty 'gappy' [X] Add a fish cooker : accepts any sized fish and exchanges an eatable version big/med/small [X] Help topic: HOw Can I Improve my HOrses Abilities? [X] Help topic: Ranches? [X] Sort order objects better [X] maybe add some more breed description detail [X] Ricardo painting too hard? (momma) [X] Decide whether games should show just horses, or rider+horse [X] Work on documentation [/] Add more overlay proper coloring (Bridges, etc) [X] Normalize Object Pricing at 10x real world [/] Design a Jumping game, top view like 3d one [/] Design some more horse-centric games [X] Welcome signs/Direction signs/ Turn buildings on [X] Submit website to search engines (joe worked on this) [X] Make a list of Minigames and locations (joe built into library) [X] Maybe have her build horse-versions of chars [X] Proofread website / beta tester application [X] Abigails skates are too hard to find without another clue. . . [X] Fix twig back to 1000 (momma) says but not gives [X] Tobias offers the quest again after completion? (momma found) [X] Is my "Playthis song quest" cool? If so, devise several tunes playablae in single octave sharpless [X] Scatter mudholes around the planet [X] put a space in between checkers/chess [X] Have welcome willy give out the various quest tools! and explain them. [X] enter in all Tack objects, and proper price/benefits [X] add pet stores [X] Add breed Descriptions [X] Add new objects into database (non quest specific) [X] Think of other tack items [X] Design a Barrel racing game [X] Design conformation arena [X] Add wagon transport setup for near horseshoe.. from??? Appleton?? [X] Get proper values in for all of the Horse breed base stats [X] Make more "areas" defined JOE TODO: [ ] Check on Horse Run, when you get over 100 orbs [X] Redirect horseisle.net to horseisle.com [X] WEATHER: Birds / Bats / Flys? / Rainbows [X] GAME IDEA: Rock Mine -- Rocks with numbers on them - click proper rock to chip away (even, odd, multiple of 4, 3 5 , 7 ,8,9,10,2 [ ] Boat Multipass type object for travelling. [ ] Add a simple typing game. . maybe have to type the horse descriptions out :) [/] Add Phrases to ban including swears such as: "phone number" "What town" "how old" [ ] Funny horsie FOrtune cookies? [ ] Make a geo-hunt US States / Canada provinces [ ] Alternative to paying $$ for sub [ ] double? word path payout [ ] 1 player Whats different in these 2 scenes Quest game?? [ ] Possibly do MAX object Spot Culling: SELECT *,COunt(*) as C from objects WHERE playerid=0 AND storeid=0 GROUP BY X, Y ORDER by C DESC LIMIT 5 [ ] Likely DO Max Object Store Culling: SELECT *,COunt(*) as C from objects WHERE playerid=0 AND storeid!=0 GROUP BY storeid ORDER by C DESC LIMIT 5 [ ] 2 Player Team work games?!?! [ ] Simonish 1 player mini game [ ] Join WOrds that have been cut in half and mixed around [ ] Goup Game: ShapeForms (ColorFOrms) Dynamic shape producing, and then move them around (minet) [ ] BUG: Treasue hunter still lags some players? [X] BUG: Racing aarena AIYA button buggy? [ ] BUG: IE6 wont let you view parent page from game?! [ ] CRITICAL: FIX ANNOYING SPACING IN MAC CHAT TEXT!!!! Off = O ff?!?!?! etc.. [ ] remake my old TONG game [ ] Air hockey game :) [ ] tipping cows game??? [ ] Integrate Message in a bottle with FLotsam! . . .. A Message in a bottle is something you bring to city hall for a reward??? i donno yet. . . [ ] 1v1 Bommerman clone.. Horsebombs! They shoot out in 4 directions eating something in path, usually apple/players. [ ] Hide and seek multiuser room? Take turns clicking things to hide under/behind in a house? [ ] Pony Express Some sort of delivery system within the game?????????????? [ ] Ring Jousting - first person fake 3d Guuide stick into oncomming ring while gighting random movements [ ] Ice skating game Multiplayer?? [ ] make a pin the tail on the horse game. [ ] allow key objects to open certain buildings [ ] Tetherball game, Frisbee, bean bag toss [ ] fish shadow swimming around water? [ ] multiplayer synonyms game?? Tried long time finding a nnice sysnonyms list.. [ ] Jumping arena Hold Down up arrow for bigger jump, let go to activate jump [ ] Scorpions can bite a horse! [ ] snowballs melt in inventory [ ] IDEAS: Memory game, slingshot game, squish bug game [ ] depending on terrain, player and horses get more thirsty! (desert) [ ] Update player views when a same tile player GRABS/DROPS objects [ ] wandering horses gain experience! so longer they wander, more valuable :) [ ] Add Game/help Info to Flash Menu [ ] GFX: Move chat bubbles when multiple [/] (objects removed in 12 hours) Store object limit [/] CRITICAL: FIGURE OUT WHY SOUND EFFECTS DELAYED IN MINIGAMES!!! ?? Just up the FPS of that game??? [/] Get Login and signup webpage portions done. [/] Make screenshots, and fix verbage, meta/keywords.. [/] mouse,gerbil,Genet,Servel, Fennec Fox, Kinkajou, parrot, pidgeon,ferret, rabbitt,rat,hampster,gecko,toad,treefrog,turtle, spider, pig, lots of dogs [/] PET: KITTENS: Black,Calico,Brown Tabby,Orange Tabby,Tuxedo Kitty,White,Bengal,Himalayan,Persian,Siamese [/] MARBLE BUG: i didnt get player updates at all?!?! - may be transient [/] CHESS BUGS: sits on grabber frame - & Sometimes not dropped at a snap point for opponent!? could not duplicate? [?] Find javascript to Set game as 'focused' so no need to click it when switching windows. - LOooked for a while.. onblur, onload not cutting it.. [/] Put limits on # of different objects in player inventory, and quantity. [/] Don't Allow horses to spawn/wander into towns [?] Cactus can injure a horse! [/] parental controls - Disable chat option? - Email chat logs? [/] Make sure server cannot "bunch" up packets sent to client! [/] Make sure server waits to send client welcome packets until client ready [/] get all horse breeds drawn [/] (dressup mod)Build a "build a snowman" game :) -sara [/] Snowman Dressup/Doll/horse dressup? [/] add town center building - Allows mail sent/receive And community messages [/] First Person Cave Exploration module/garden hedge???? [/] get game assets professionally drawn [X] sara suggested allowing the socials to make noises when you hit someone :) [X] Horse Whisperer - Building of info where you can locate a certain breed [X] CRITICAL: Server Lockup 12 players online, :59 locked at end of minute. [X] CRITICAL: Server Crash March 1st - 15 players - middle of minute - Looks like a Player Disconnected right before?? [X] Maybe a Pirate Treasue Award. [X] Make a Geo-hunt Style HOrse Parts/Bones? [X] Crash happened 14 people online - 5 person races possibly on startup [X] BUG: Huge Server Lockup problem! >7 people online??? [X] Some sort of a Horse Running with other horses.. Maybe your horse runs around finding other horses and then they follow?? [X] Players get a first place 2 star ribbon when they beat 2 other opponents 4star when 4opponents, etc [X] (single) multiplayer baloon game, shoot same colors [X] Frog Jumping on Twigs up waterfall game [X] setup a subscription/payment system [X] boggle game - server checks dictionary file [X] Pasture Free place to sit and let your horses stand in pasture for free, but they all gain moo+food slowly over time [X] Stop making players invisibile on MapCoded spots.. Leave it to the overlay tile definitions instead. [X] What happens when player you are private chatting with leaves??? [X] NOPE Objects change into something else after so long a time in inventory. . . [X] Only spawn objects on walkable terrain NOT inside buildings,etc [X] Create server timeouts, close connections during login after 5 minutes of no login, [X] title graphic [X] Fix arrow keys while editing profile!! [X] 15 minute inactivity logoff [X] Add an exit button either shortcut or key to exit back to main page. . [X] Fix char 32 bug, Stop covering Chat Boxes on Disconnect, Add X button, add dynamic errors [X] DONT Possibly rent barn space from other players?? ack. . . too hard.. [X] riding a low-experience horse will BUCK you every once in a while :) [X] Add Geo Hunt Award -- [X] DO BY HAND Random presents given on CHristmas/ newyears?? maybe birthdays? [X] Add an Awards system [X] Add a Session Log? IP, ID, Username Logon, logoff [X] Allow a QUANTITY in item trading [X] Backwards BOGGLE find a word placed in a boggle type setup [X] Workshops: ex. jeweler - combines 20 pearls + necklace chain = pearl necklace Need Tiles and lots more objects [X] Add conditions to send player to Prison :) (starving horse) [X] LONG TERM: Switch to EXTENDED Tileset (64 tiles) Selectable by Island TYPE! Maybe "Cloud" other islands of different type in view.... [?] CLIENT: BLock Chat boxes while on welcome isle [X] Maybe cant move (fails once in a while ) when hungry thirsty? [X] NOPE! COnsider horses starting as FOALS as a percentage restriction on height and abilities [X] Limit Trading when inventory full [X] Limit Number of objects in a GRAB ALL [X] sending list of overlays which hide player, and then hiding player on client side whenever character is "rounded" into a hiding one. in this way you'll be able to see movement into shops, etc! [X] Extend the time before race end! SOme racers get cutoff!! [X] GFX: Cutoff legs in bushes/grass [X] Horse Game: Riding bull - stay on bull [X] QUEST GAME: tangrams :) [X] Add rotten tomatoes [X] BUG: Wishing Well, too many items (purplemuffin) [X] Reward for completing all quests - nice set of tack? (Onlooker) [X] CLIENT: Dont close arenas on ^MM even! [X] CLIENT: Add a clear chat boxes again? [X] CLIENT: Switch WEAR buttons for clothes to SELECT? [X] BUG: if a person you are private chatting with leaves, remove them from chat box [X] BUG: a certain char cauases everything to go water.. . screws up maps ??? [X] BUG: Encode < as < [X] BUG: Money being added to accounts?!?! Goingcrazy=22000 firechild=11000?!? windmill? [X] Add a quantity requirement for first object on actions :) [X] Add a bonus/$? of somekind for beating the top score on any game. (onlooker) [X] BUG: Private Chat messes up [X] BUG: dont allow entering an arena more than once!! [X] Allow researching Quests/minigames at library??? [X] Finish up Ranch Functionality trainer, garden , etc.. [X] HOt air balloon game [X] CRITICAL: FIx ARENA startup bugs (when looking at horses, etc..) [X] fix private chat bug, when a player leaves? [X] get characters professionally drawn [X] disable back button???? (just force new window) [X] (prolly not) COnsider switching to a quantity based inventory, rather than individual objects.. . [X] Switch gaia varialbles to global table (# horses, # buried treasure, etc.) [X] When riding horse have players move FASTER to locations rather than Jumping 2 spots... [X] Show characters actually riding a generic horse [X] Fix PROFILE page being blank upon clicking off it. It's a ScrollPane + ComboBox Flash bug!!! aike. . [X] force full map sends on diagonal movement. or expand the array shift widths.. (prolly best) [X] Fix Arena Timing Bug!??!? [X] Fix rainbowstreasures so they disappear now somehow. . . . [X] Get Player Timeouts working. Make sure no "ghosts" are left behind. [X] Get Barns To Work [X] Allow an action to trigger consuming objects? ex. nap for Sera [X] Add yellow daiseys to daisey terrain [X] 1v1 Game of Making boxes, take turns making segments, if you make a box, its yours + go again. winner has most boxes [X] Switch clothing to be "Competiton Gear" [X] Fatten EXIT THIS PLACE button [X] Adding Tack list and Pet list to Library? [X] Add code to Deamonize Server [X] CRITICAL: Switch competitions to happen every minute MULTIPLE rather than tracking start/end times... [X] Limit # Horses & # Items!! [X] Add a simple - play this song Quest(s) [X] Coloring Book?? [X] bug: buddies list bug? People marked as buddies appeard offline when not?! (not really a bug) database was modified indirectly) [X] bug: fix exiting feed or profile to close horse view - OR show horse details instead [X] bug: If moving while arena start-up sent to you, you might receive a move code after, and thus stat back up map view below. . . [X] make orange trees [X] Trail Riding MiniGame Top view/control like Maze game... but timed and random? something about something jumping out [X] Stable - place to pay to keep your horses fed,drunk,slept for $/day (dont bother, jsut use barn) [X] add dates? to messages [X] Add Effects Table, Which positions chimney smoke, and Door Paths under buildings. [X] multiplayer music room?!?!? [X] Horses tired/hungry/shoes worn after competition [X] get external module storfronts professionaly drawn [X] Build new Terrain tiles [X] Build new Overlay tiles [X] Enter breed data [/] Make Horse module views [/] design bunch of items - get them drawn [X] Solve disconnect problems tim was having! (didn't happen anymore?!) [/] light grass to dark forest grass transition [/] implement Settings (sound volume, graphics detail, ??) [X] make list of tiles needed online for emma [/] Main game loader - sub game loader [/] CutScenes, sleeping/Wagon ride/boat ride, quick swf's [X] multiplayer games ideas: Snowball/coconut Toss (old monkey and banaana game) [/] fix chat text not bolding ?? not sure its a problem [X] brighten darkness a little more.. [X] Track compettion highscores! [X] Have other players "walk" to locations, rather than "jump" [X] Bug: reid noticed you can move faster holding down diagonals. [X] Wrap objects and they become presents! [X] Bug: Private chat not available until an existing player moves upon login.. [X] 2player game ideas: battle ship, [X] Remake water so less "busy" [X] Dont allow dropping on the ground when at a shop, etc.. [X] figure out trades system [X] Make binoc water solid blue [X] Add compass to map view [X] figure out what white thing in on login page upper left corner! [X] Fix Players Idle being disconnected?!?! [X] PLace "CLick anywhwere to return" on Binoc page [X] Fix strange Wishingwell appearance during login in earton bug [X] add a UpdateVolume Function for parent to call in modules when volume hit [X] allow module games to activate quests.. [X] add buddy chat [X] add emmas new icons, send her back some ideas [X] Dont reset views at all locations when another player enters.. screws up npc, etc.. [X] Fixed BUG: allow admin commands from buddy and NEAR chat [X] SELL all items on a stack of same item (client ready) [X] GRAB all items function off ground (client ready) [X] Allow horses to drink from pond.... Randomly get sick! (client ready) [X] do not allow dropping quest items [X] Add a library, that allows you to view all the different horses. [X] Switch binoculars to telescope, allow binoculars for something else? [X] Allow Searching with Magnifying glass [X] Allow Uncovering with a Rake [X] CHECKERS BUG: Game close not recognized by other player? [X] Herd Cattle - wow. thats all i got ta say. [X] build module gui buttons X ? ! + [X] COnsider removing betting system???? complicated and may not be for kids? [X] Multiuser Fridge Magnets [X] Rebuild old Pushblock game. . maybe make one level per town, etc. [X] Buddies can TAG eachother. [X] Horses can eat carrots and apples too [X] Add ability to click on tiles to identify (mouseover) [X] fix stuck in store bug when login/logout from store [X] Implement social commands? !hit joe [X] Map not reloading newest changes on restart... [X] Get MAPD/T to allow apostrophes [X] Add shadows to all Overlay objects that need it! [X] when look at players, allow looking at horses [X] make sure all modules have an EXITMODULE() function which destroys intervals.. [X] allow ENTER key to do LOGIN on login page [X] Add CHAT HERE option forchatting in same room only [X] BUG: MAP bttons on player list duplicate when players at same spot!! duh. [X] Get NPC's to move around if they should. (certain terrain?) [X] send time/weather on login [X] institute game time [X] Get admin to SendInfo to self after jumping? [X] Clear Game intervals for certain! whackamole/math [X] Shovel, Allows DIG , finds BURIED objects! [X] fishing shop guy takes a strong branch and converts to pole... [X] Make a 2+ player drawing game (emma) [X] Move Modules into mod folder on server and client [X] Implement NPC static points, so that Quests can set a different conversation point for npc [X] VIEW STATS/INVENTORY admin commands [X] See if possible to return to same place on a store item display instead of top. [X] BUG: when logging in, and player is at a store, they will be visible. [X] Build a game music Volume/mute button [X] Buiild a goto Player admin function [X] build a terrain tile floodfill! (recursive functions) limit recursion to 100 deep though in php! [X] go through sql selects and make sure limited *'s! [X] Allow apple trees to spawn apples around it, etc. [X] Allow Other players shown on map [X] figure out solution for tiles in SQL (terrain/orverlay in tiles table) [X] Redo GUI buttons [X] chat language filter [X] implement player Eatable items [X] Make GIVE server command $ or object to player [X] Send location of players when logging in [X] Quests can give you a new location (NPC's bring you places?) [X] Get map button to show world map. [X] View Worn items in inventory, and allow disrobing [X] Add LOOK at player buttons to Who's online view [X] Implement player wearable items [X] implement farrier [X] implement vet [X] implement groomer [X] Figure out method for passing data to/from external modules [X] Move Documentation online [X] Redo demo stores/map locations [X] Make npc scripting more flexible [X] Send mary info on making npc scripts [X] build povray demo fence/well/pen [X] Allow editing Player Details [X] Allow editing Horse Details [X] NPC's can activate quests [X] Buddy List [X] Build GAIA script [X] Wagon transports [X] Boat Transports [X] Click on players on map for name/description [X] Get chat bubbles to work. [X] BUG: When player exits , client chatlist is reset, and player loses current private chat [X] have the Quest COmpleted text changed to tell you exactly what transactions took place. [X] BUG Ooops you can feed and Etc. . other peoples horses at arena!!! :) [X] dont allow horses/npcs/objects to spawn/move on unwalkable overlays.. [X] BUG: it kept saying emma was logging in every time she said something?! [X] Probably Build the NPC chat scripting into database. .. [X] Make daisy overlay [X] Fix training MAX's [X] snowballs can be thrown [X] allow some games to track scores scores table: playerid:gamename:wins:loses [X] Build a compute tack bonus' function -return assoc array [X] BUG: when in drawing room and view map, background goes bubye. [X] BUG: When player disconnects Clear the OPPONENTS OPPONENT setting! [X] View a 50% tile size View of area in addition to map [X] Add detailed island/town info to client map display [X] Add socials: shoulder pat, nod , tickle , yell, push, thumbsup, kick [X] allow riding your horse to move 2 tiles quicker [X] Hay tile! Use a pitch fork to make own haybales. for free. [X] Add random game tip to loading screen LONG TERM security prior to going beta [ ] Check for possible SQL injection attacks! [ ] Set Database Passwords [ ] Web Server Read only Server [ ] Password protect dev site [X] Encode username along with password encoding [ ] complicate flash cryptor [ ] Add a packet per second max on client using interval (and server?) LONG TERM maybe someday [ ] Get a life [ ] Character displayed as IN water on first depth terrain