HorseIsleData/Scraped/Fourm Archive/GENERAL_92291.html
2021-10-24 08:48:53 -04:00

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<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=10><TR><TD><B>Logged in as: TellingElephant</B><BR><BR><A HREF=/?LOGOUT=1><img src=/web/but-logout.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/><img src=/web/but-mainpage.gif border=0></A></TD><TD><BR><A HREF=/account.php><img src=/web/but-serverlist.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/news.php><img src=/web/but-news.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/forums.php><img src=/web/but-forums.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/helpcenter.php><img src=/web/but-helpcenter.gif border=0></A></TD></TR></TABLE>
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<B><FONT SIZE=+1>Horse Isle Forums</FONT><BR></B>
Forums for discussing in game topics with other players. Please use the Contact Us form at the bottom to directly communicate with Horse Isle staff.
<BR>The SUPPORT and BUGS forums have threads removed often to keep them clean and recent. Don't be offended when removed.
<!--<BR><B>Please respect the fact that these forums were not designed for RPG'ing and we do not have the time or ability to properly manage the excessive posting that it entails. We are sorry to those that were not abusing the rules, but too many others were. As a result. NO RPG posting in these forums. Period. Thanks for understanding.</B>-->
<TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=SUPPORT">SUPPORT</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=BUGS">BUGS</A><BR>(15 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GENERAL">GENERAL</A><BR>(27 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=HORSES">HORSES</A><BR>(8 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GAME">GAME</A><BR>(90 topics)</TD></TABLE><HR><B>VIEWING GENERAL FORUM THREAD: <FONT SIZE=+1>Re: Player Feedback and Opinions</FONT></B><BR><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jul 6 2012 9:45am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>We value player feedback. Yes we do read it IF it is polite and IF it is constructive. This includes things one doesn't like but please keep such posts polite and constructive.
<BR>Feedback that is doing nothing but trashing the game will be deleted. Feedback that is not constructive and is argumentative will be deleted. We do not allow arguments, fighting on this game.
<BR>Also here are a few things that perhaps you are not aware of:
<BR>1) We are in the US and as such are required to follow COPPA Federal Laws and Regulations. (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Agency) as well as laws in the Federal Trade Commission. This is a family game and we do have young children who play. This game is rated 8 and up.
<BR>2) Most of our rules are based on the above. Those that are not are here to keep this game running smoothly and fairly/nicely. Many of the rules we have had to add in or alter due to players misusing them. So if you have a problem with lets say &quot;No Trading On A Promise&quot; take it up with the scammers who have made it to where we must put that up to protect the players. (Yes we ban scammers, but that doesn't help with the first scam.)
<BR>3) We do what we can to protect our players, our players accounts and keep this a nice, safe game. This requires many rules to be in place. Most games have exactly the same rules if they have the same or a similar situation within the game.
<BR>4) When players join this game they click on &quot;Accept&quot; that states they have read and agree to follow the rules of this game. This is a legally binding agreement and we hold players to it. This includes the Rules, ToC (Terms and Conditions) and Expected Behavior. If you don't feel you can follow these and enjoy the game, then please find a different game to play.
<BR>5) This game is owned by Joe and Miranda, it's their playground. They get to create it however they want as it's their game. They also get to set the rules for this game. If you don't wish to follow their rules, then perhaps you would prefer to find a different playground.
<BR>6) Constructive feedback is appreciated, this includes things you might not like, but please remember to keep the conversation polite and constructive. If your communication skills are not able to do that then please refrain from posting.
<BR>7) We do Not allow fighting, belligerence, cruelty, inappropriate language or behavior on this game and that includes in the forums. So any post that dissolves into such will be deleted. Any post that is regarding a topic that is not appropriate for this game or flat out against the rules/law (thus will not be added to the game) will be deleted.
<BR>For those of you who want an &quot;Adult Server&quot; we can't do that and keep the family rating. The laws regarding that prohibit us from being able to do that as it would require a constant monitor even there and trying to keep young children off is always difficult. The owners do not want an &quot;Adult&quot; game they want a family game for all ages. It's their game they get to do that.
<BR>So, please realize you have joined a family game where young children play and keep all language and content/behavior appropriate for young children. If you don't intend to do so, please leave and find an adult game.
<BR>We will ban or suspend players who break our rules. We will keep this a family game to the best of our ability.
<BR>If you can't speak without using inappropriate language please check out the Dictionary. English is a huge language and there are many, many ways to express oneself and use appropriate language. Enlarge your vocabulary, learn new words. :)
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[ <A HREF=//>New Player Guide</A> ]<BR>
[ <A HREF=/web/rules.php>Rules</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/termsandconditions.php>Terms and Conditions</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/privacypolicy.php>Privacy Policy</A> ]</B><BR>
[ <A HREF=/web/expectedbehavior.php>Expected Behavior</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/contactus.php>Contact Us</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/credits.php>Credits</A> ]<BR>
<FONT FACE=Verdana,Arial SIZE=-2>Copyright &copy; 2021 Horse Isle</FONT>
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