HorseIsleData/Scraped/Fourm Archive/GENERAL_92702.html
2021-10-24 08:48:53 -04:00

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<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<B><FONT SIZE=+1>Horse Isle Forums</FONT><BR></B>
Forums for discussing in game topics with other players. Please use the Contact Us form at the bottom to directly communicate with Horse Isle staff.
<BR>The SUPPORT and BUGS forums have threads removed often to keep them clean and recent. Don't be offended when removed.
<!--<BR><B>Please respect the fact that these forums were not designed for RPG'ing and we do not have the time or ability to properly manage the excessive posting that it entails. We are sorry to those that were not abusing the rules, but too many others were. As a result. NO RPG posting in these forums. Period. Thanks for understanding.</B>-->
<TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=SUPPORT">SUPPORT</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=BUGS">BUGS</A><BR>(15 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GENERAL">GENERAL</A><BR>(27 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=HORSES">HORSES</A><BR>(8 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GAME">GAME</A><BR>(90 topics)</TD></TABLE><HR><B>VIEWING GENERAL FORUM THREAD: <FONT SIZE=+1>Leasing</FONT></B><BR><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DaveyBoy)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jul 31 2012 1:57pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>What if we had a leasing system similar to HI2's? It would help out with any scamming that takes place, and players could lease out their llama's and camel's to people to get the award, without completely giving their horse and tack to them! We could also lease horses out to new players... if they want to lease a prettier horse for a longer amount of time than the 2 hours that a Fell or AM gives you. Players could also lease their horses out to trainers to exp train without worrying about not getting their horse back. The times could range from 1 minute (for the llama/camel awards) -1 hr-5hr-12hr-1 day- 2days-up to a week?
<BR>Just an idea~~</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jul 31 2012 3:59pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Unfortunately we can't implement a lease system on this game as there is on HI2. One of the reasons HI2 was created, so there could be a lease system which would prevent the stealing.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR></TABLE><HR><B>THIS THREAD IS CURRENTLY LOCKED, NO NEW POSTS AT THIS TIME.</B><HR>[ <A HREF='?FORUM=GAME'>GO BACK TO GAME FORUM</A> ]<BR><BR><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%>
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