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<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<B><FONT SIZE=+1>Horse Isle Forums</FONT><BR></B>
Forums for discussing in game topics with other players. Please use the Contact Us form at the bottom to directly communicate with Horse Isle staff.
<BR>The SUPPORT and BUGS forums have threads removed often to keep them clean and recent. Don't be offended when removed.
<!--<BR><B>Please respect the fact that these forums were not designed for RPG'ing and we do not have the time or ability to properly manage the excessive posting that it entails. We are sorry to those that were not abusing the rules, but too many others were. As a result. NO RPG posting in these forums. Period. Thanks for understanding.</B>-->
<TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=SUPPORT">SUPPORT</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=BUGS">BUGS</A><BR>(15 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GENERAL">GENERAL</A><BR>(27 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=HORSES">HORSES</A><BR>(8 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GAME">GAME</A><BR>(90 topics)</TD></TABLE><HR><B>VIEWING GENERAL FORUM THREAD: <FONT SIZE=+1>Banning / Violations Clarification</FONT></B><BR><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Hannahmay)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 6:50pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Hi all! I hope everyone is doing well this evening.
<BR>I've been playing this game for over ten years, and have thoroughly enjoyed the gameplay, as well as the friends that I have made throughout HI1. However, I had some questions regarding the rules, banning, and violation points. I know that I could e-mail support regarding this, but I wanted to post it on the forums, as when I was chatting with buddies, they had the same/similar questions.
<BR>When you're &quot;temp banned&quot; on this game, you're shown a screen that states that you would not have gotten temp banned if it wasn't for a specific reason, and (I believe) it also says to email support with questions. Throughout my time on this platform, I have seen people get banned when they have very little violation points (or none at all). I was always under the impression that &quot;temp bans&quot; were to review your account after 10 violation points. However, discussing with my buds, some of them have been getting temp banned who have 0-5 vios. Now, you may be thinking, as an admin: &quot;well, they were temp banned because some of their vios that were reviewed were more 'severe'.&quot; And the question I have is: what is the more &quot;severe vios&quot;? I know that some are worth more points, but what causes you to get TEMP BANNED for something, versus getting 3-4 vio points, if your vio was more &quot;severe&quot;? What are the linear, consistent rules and differences between what I am asking? **I know you may be thinking, see the &quot;rules&quot; section of the website! This, however, just states what you can and cannot do on the website, not the questions that I am asking.**
<BR>I think many players are confused because many do not see transparency with vios. I have buds who have 11-12 vios who have never been temporary banned.... but then I have some who have zero vios, get flagged for something, and get banned for multiple days. I don't remember this being an issue when I used to play, so maybe there are newer policies that I am not aware of. I am not asking this to be argumentative! I'm genuinely just a curious person, who loves the game that I have spent so long on! I'm kind of a nerd with this stuff, and I love learning more about what the administration deems as &quot;severe&quot;, since this word has so many different connotations + explanations.
<BR>Thank you guys so much - and thanks for keeping me on my toes and interested in such a cool game.
<BR>Hannahmay, pinto server</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Pinecone)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 7:02pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I'd definitely like better clarification for the reason for bans in the case of a player with few or no prior violation points. If a player is banned I feel they should be made aware of their error, especially if said ban was temp. If one did not receive any vios, but did receive a ban, how are they to know what they did incorrectly, and how to fix it in the future?
<BR>As for violation points themselves, I'm also quite curious as to what the parameters are for severity, and what actions correlate with what amount of points. I am sure that if players had a better and more open line of communication regarding their vios and errors, that admins would be met with less hostility from players, and likely fewer violation points and bans in the future as well.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Passion)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 7:03pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I think a clarification on this would just be nice to clear everything up for everyone. I know multiple players who have asked about it, and buds who have been confused about the whole process.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Pinecone)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 7:04pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I'd definitely like better clarification for the reason for bans in the case of a player with few or no prior violation points. If a player is banned I feel they should be made aware of their error, especially if said ban was temp. If one did not receive any vios, but did receive a ban, how are they to know what they did incorrectly, and how to fix it in the future?
<BR>As for violation points themselves, I'm also quite curious as to what the parameters are for severity, and what actions correlate with what amount of points. I am sure that if players had a better and more open line of communication regarding their vios and errors, that admins would be met with less hostility from players, and likely fewer violation points and bans in the future as well.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by SnootBoop)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 7:11pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Adding to what Hannah has said, obviously buds and I have talked about what vios we had gotten whether by accident or not fully reading the rules after we've been back. We noticed that the points seem a bit random. We had got vios for the exact same thing, except she received 4 and I had only gotten 2. It seems a bit odd as to why it shouldn't all be the same.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Yellerhead)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 8:55pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I do feel vios that don't immediately score a lot of points should not be cause for a temp ban. Severity of the violation should absolutely be reflected in point amount. A lot of players don't experience this.
<BR>I also wish we would receive the logs that caused us to get banned as a form of receipt. Other platforms have this measure in place to ensure there is no confusion, as well as being a useful reminder of what not to say or do &amp; of the specific rules of the site you're using.
<BR>It feels to me that the system for evaluating violation points is whatever the moderators/admins think is best for the given situation. While this doesn't seem like a huge problem for a niche site, it's definitely caused a lot of unrest amongst players who receive different consequences for the same actions. There doesn't seem to be a specific system in place for ranking the number of points for certain vios. If the system is there, I feel it needs to be a lot more transparent and easy to find. If there isn't a specific method for point tallying, I suggest implementing one that includes criteria such as potential harmfulness, neglect, safety/security, etc.
<BR>I'm aware this is a family-friendly game with children being the intended audience. However, we can't keep ignoring the fact that the vast majority of players are adults, and has been for quite some time. We need much more transparency with the way consequences are enforced and why certain repercussions are chosen over others. The system is far too vague.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Hannahmay)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 19 2020 9:06pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I want to thank everyone for showing their own unique perspectives on this situation. It is obvious that this is not a singular experience, and in the hours that this post has been up we have gotten so much feedback on specific questions that we would like to see answered. I want to thank all of you for the support and comments, as many players-myself included- may not truly understand how widespread this is.
<BR>Regardless of the nicheness of the website, whether this game has 10 players or 1 million, the need for the direct lay-out of the updated rules, regulations, and violation point &quot;severity&quot; is necessary, as Yellerhead noted.
<BR>I also don't know if rules have been changed over time - for example, I remember getting vios in 2015 for referencing Google in global, as it was considered leading players to other websites/&quot;cheating&quot; by using player guides... but in the past week, I have seen moderators specifically tell players to Google things when they have questions, in global. (This was an additional question I had, that I did not address in my original post. Apologies!)
<BR>Again, just wanted to note that we all love this game and are only posting our critiques so that we can enjoy the game to its fullest capacity. Many of us want to prevent each other from getting vios, and a better understanding of the system can help do just that. :)</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 20 2020 12:55pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>For bans/suspensions regarding violations, we normally wait until a player reaches 10 or more before we suspend the account, usually for a short time.
<BR>However, there are some things we ban immediately on regardless of points. Under these circumstances, usually what we want is the player to contact us via E mail so we can discuss your account, and the reason you were suspended with you. We can't do that on game.
<BR>Reasons for such suspension include but are not limited to:
<BR>- Asking/sharing Discord or other social media (most common) player is allowed back normally after we have explained the reasons for this.
<BR>- Sharing passwords, mail or accounts with another player.
<BR>- Another person on your account.
<BR>- Selling account or trying to.
<BR>- Selling or trying to sell off game content or on game content off game.
<BR>- Any mention of Roast Isle (this is a biggie and we have Zero tolerance for this.
<BR>There are other reasons, but unless it's a perm ban there will be a message to please contact us via E mail. There is a link below you can use or just send it to the mail address given in the ban message.
<BR>Also, for the actual ban message you see at the top of the page when you are banned, that is usually a generic message... Just contact us if you have questions.
<BR>Remember, HI1 is a children's/family game. We are rated for ages 8 and up. We Do have young children who play here. And even if we didn't, we are still rated for that, thus All language, content and behavior Must be ok for young children at all times. Regardless of chat channel as on HI1 PM chat can bounce to Global if a player is disconnected for some reason.
<BR>We do not allow players to share social media after all you could be asking a 10 yr old to contact you off game with no supervision... That is predatory content. Discord is especially inappropriate as there is no moderation there. Roast Isle is nothing more than a sewer of bullying, threatening, intimidating, harassing behavior and content. None of which we tolerate at all on Horse Isle. While we do have parental controls on HI1 they aren't great, thus we do moderate and control content here.
<BR>The rules have not changed really. Players have changed, and what once was something we didn't have to watch our for now is. That (for the most part) being social media/off game contact. People, we do have young children here. Keep it on game only. Then no problems.
<BR>We also tend (as in real life) to have acerbic players. People are people, and that's fine as long as nasty behavior is kept off game. Be nice and polite and no problems.
<BR>Horse Isle is a place to come to and get away from real life and all it's issues. This didn't really used to be a problem for years... Only very occasionally did someone bring something on game, and usually quit when requested to do so. If not, they were banned.
<BR>Now, many people insist on bringing real issues onto the game. Many times especially for HI1 those issues are not age appropriate for all players. We are not rated T for Teen, we are rated G for all ages/General audience.
<BR>Many times we request someone to remove something or keep it off game, where in the past this was done without issue, now many people refuse to comply. Thus bans.
<BR>HI2 is still fairly strict but not quite as strict as HI1. HI3 is quite lenient in private chat. Not so lenient in public chat as young children are still allowed on that game, but it's lenient in private chat and party chat (unless someone complains or it's really raunchy.) Thing is we do not monitor private or party chat on HI3.
<BR>However, this is HI1, a game set for all ages including very young children. People are most welcome to play this game, it's fun! But if they wish to do so, then they also need to comply with the rules, and some of those for this game are quite strict.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Pinecone)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 20 2020 10:33pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I can speak for myself and many others in saying we appreciate your timely response regarding our concerns, though I personally found the information offered to not quite address the specific concerns that we had brought forward. We are all well aware of the rules (and as good players, have read them!), and our questioning is not in dismissal of these rules. However, our concerns were regarding the inconsistencies in violation points, and how that system itself works. We are also aware of the issues that come with it being rated the way it is, and were not protesting that, and are respectful that we have chosen to play a game that is rated in the way that this one is. We understand that HI1 differs in rules than HI2 &amp; HI3, however we are speaking strictly about this specific site, therefore weve specifically addressed it in HI1 forums. While violation points are an important feature put in place to keep the game safe and friendly, I do not understand why contacting an admin is necessary to understand a reason for a ban when the vio log can state the reason for individual vios. Im also concerned regarding what system is in place for deciding punishment for actions? I can speak for myself and many others, we are adults, we understand the rules, and we slip up occasionally, often resulting in a flag and vio point (keeping negative content from the game!) however, the number of violation points deemed worthy for the same problem tend to vary, and we are concerned about the consistency of this system, and we were hoping for a more concise explanation. We appreciate the time you have taken to ease our concerns, and we mean to disrespect by inquiring and bringing this topic forward. Thank you.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Savy)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 20 2020 10:38pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I myself was always curious about how points were done too. And how accidental issues were handled too. I've seen some people get flagged and receive 4pts and then someone doing the same accident and get flagged receive one. So Im very confused and slightly concerned. I absolutely LOVE this game and it has such a special spot in my heart and hope it will be around for years to come! That way we can share our childhood with young ones in the future.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Pinecone)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 20 2020 10:40pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I apologize, *&quot;We do not mean to disrespect.&quot;</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Hannahmay)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 20 2020 10:50pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>I want to thank DesertPaint for the response, as I think that it did address some of the concerns brought forth by the players. I also completely understand that you cannot address case-by-case analyses, and that makes total sense (respect for privacy). However, overall, I believe that the violation and banning point system inconsistency was still not addressed.
<BR>I'm not asking for you to answer all of mine and others questions here - although it would be appreciated, it would be an exhaustive list - but what I am asking for is more consistency and more transparency. Two requests that I have, that I would love to see implemented into this game to allow for that consistency and transparency are:
<BR>-When temp banned, instead of it saying &quot;mail if you have concerns&quot;, include some kind of receipt or explanation for temp banning! This will allow for less email traffic on your end and less confusion on ours. It could simply be &quot;violated x rule,&quot; and still include that text where it says to mail with any concerns.
<BR>-A list - that all admins who give vios must have, I'm sure - of what each rule break is and what &quot;number&quot; it corresponds to (1 vio, 2 vios, 3 vios, for example harrassment = 1 vio, giving social media = 3 vios?)
<BR>I want to thank all HI1, 2, and 3 administrators. I am aware that this is a niche game, but I think this is a much appreciated conversation. These forums are wonderful for these kinds of dialogues, and I love that we can talk about this with our administration and not be ignored. :) I for one appreciate that DP acknowledged the changing fan-base of this game. I'm not asking for rules to be changed or dismissed, but for some policies to be well laid out and explained to the player base, so we are less likely to get vios and bans in the future.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 21 2020 1:32pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>There is a guideline set up by the owners for violations etc. In the last couple of years some things have had to change a bit due to the severity of the rule breaking.
<BR>For example, sharing social media (before there was a Discord, etc.) was 1 point unless you gave contact info then it was either 2 or 4 (we don't have an option for 3) depending on what was shared specifically.
<BR>Now, it's usually 4. The reason is because it takes a while to reach 10 points with 1 vio... So lots of players have been given personal contact info which is dangerous to do. Thus 4 points, and hopefully that will be a heads up, whereas 1 point is normally ignored.
<BR>I see in chat where players say something like: Oh I do that I only have 2 or 3 points, so I can break that rule a few times before I have to worry about it.
<BR>Um, no.
<BR>Usually a single slip, or swear if caught by the filter is 1 point. If the player tried to avoid the filter, then it's 2 points. One for swearing and one for deliberately trying to avoid the filter and swear.
<BR>If there is name calling, crude content/behavior then usually 2 points, though again it depends on the severity and exactly what happened and for how long...Was it a one time thing or did they keep it up for a bit...
<BR>4 points are usually given for any type of racist, adult, violent content, sharing personal information specifically, asking players to go off game to contact them, cheating, scamming, bullying, sharing accounts/passwords/multiple accounts, Discord, Roast Isle...Anything that is severe. And sometimes, depending on the severity and what it is, a suspension or perm ban is given.
<BR>Each incident is taken separately, thus one person may get a 1 point where another person may get 2 points... However the 2 point player already knew they weren't supposed to do that and deliberately did it anyway... That type of thing.
<BR>So often right now anyway, violations seem to be meaningless to many players, they just ignore them. For those players a suspension is then given... It's Not permanent, it's a heads up and since the person is ignoring our violation warnings... It's my only option unfortunately.
<BR>I do try to work with players, to be lenient when possible and if the player is really trying to conform to rules I will be more lenient than if a player is ignoring the rules because they don't intend/wish to follow them.
<BR>I used to send messages to players when they were banned, however that message stays there staring at you for 2 months... That gets very annoying, and I can't remove it. And, if you are banned you can't always see it anyway... I do give a reason for the ban with the ban itself, but again... If you aren't logged on you won't see that. Only the generic message that the game blurps out.
<BR>At this time, I'm the only admin. working on HI1. DesertMorn is the quest writer, and there are moderators.
<BR>I'm also the only admin for support mail. Miranda is super busy these days and tries to get on and work on updates, and a variety of other issues when she can for HI1 and HI2. But many times she isn't able to get on for a day or two. Joe is massively busy and totally buried in HI3. *laughing out loud!*
<BR>FrogLips is an admin on HI2 and HI3 but not on HI1, she is a mod on HI1. We just never got her here as there didn't used to be much work on HI1.
<BR>It's really difficult to give an exact example for the vio's. Again, we have guidelines, but other than that it's up to me basically... And, I do take each incident separately as much as possible. That may end up seemingly biased, but honestly it's not. It's aimed specifically at that person and their overall behavior, problems and issues.
<BR>The owners wanted a children's/family game. And while we do have more adults that play here we also have young kids. Many with their parents, or at least the parents are on part time.
<BR>I realize the strictness, especially on HI1 is difficult for many people, still it's necessary for the safety of our players.
<BR>It's also based on some things that have happened in the last 2-3 years... That being stalking off game in real life from sharing personal info on game. In some instances requiring Federal Restraining Orders... That's excessive, but it has happened.
<BR>Bullying to the point of the player having to quit the game. Most of that takes place off game because the player chose to share their personal contact info and has social media. We have zero control over what happens off game, so when this happens and players contact us asking for help there is absolutely nothing we can do.
<BR>I get this at least once every couple of weeks on one game or another, sometimes more often. It really bothers me that someone is being bullied/harassed. I can't do anything about it.
<BR>So, I try to prevent that from happening in the first place by being super strict on the game. That means 4 points and a suspension until you contact me in support mail.
<BR>I had 2 incidents last week of this on 2 different games, not going to give more info than that, but it's an on-going problem and one I consider to be very serious.
<BR>Players are welcome to ask about something in the forums or contact me via support mail if you have a question regarding rules and/or violations you may have received.
<BR>Google is allowed, however it depends on how it's used. If you can Google and right there in front of you is the answer, ok. If however Google sends you to another site then that's not ok. We have no control over other sites, some run password hacking programs, some contain viruses/malware, some ask for personal info. Thus we do not allow them to be shared. We do not have help sites, so for example telling someone to Google Horse Isle 1 riddles is a no no. It's not directly there where you can see it on the Google page, you have to click on a link that will take you to a different site. So... If you personally wish to Google that then share the answers with another player ok. But no sending the other player to Google for that.
<BR>I much prefer to help you understand than to have to ban. (I hate banning people.)
<BR>I work 7 days a week. Usually from around 12-1 pm until around 10-11 pm. It varies a bit due to my personal life. I check work off and on all day and evening most of the time. I do work on all 4 games and support mail, so it keeps me fairly busy. Thus when work is done I do take off for an hour or two now and then. I need a little &quot;me time.&quot; *laughing out loud!*
<BR>Verruckt is a moderator who is returning after quite a long hiatus, while she is not new, it's been quite a while. And, she has been playing other HI games with slightly different rules and methods of handling those rules. Please be patient and give her a chance to learn... :)
<BR>Other moderators have also been away for quite a while and are returning off and on. HI1 is a little different... *laughing out loud!*
<BR>If you feel a moderator is inappropriate please file an abuse report, that way I can see the chat and then explain to the mod what was not done properly.
<BR>Also, as with many players, moderators have real life friends and family who play. So sometimes joking around with a specific player may seem a bit strange, but that person may be a sister, hubby, wife, dad, mom, or RL friend, depending on the moderator. :)</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by MadHare)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 5:48am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Um, DP, if you can't do anything about a player being mean on Roast Isle (off game), then why can you punish a player for:
<BR>&quot;- Selling or trying to sell off game content or on game content off game. &quot;
<BR>I thought anything off horse isle is the wild west but a player will be punished for trying to sell a horse off game? How would you prove this?</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by MadHare)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 5:53am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Anyways, the rest of the explanation makes a lot of sense because many of us definitely thought something weird is going on with getting different vio amounts for the same incident.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 1:06pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>It's actually breaking Federal laws to sell copyrighted material for real money. You don't own it, Durbin Development Inc. owns it. You may use the material when on game, but not off game in any way without permission from the owners. It's Fraud.
<BR>As for arranging buying/selling for game money... Well, since it's against the rules to discuss/share off game web sites the entire bit is a no no.
<BR>So, if you get scammed tough luck. You are out gold or lose the horse, too bad. Keep all content ON GAME where we can see it and take action if needed.
<BR>As to how we prove things, that's for us know. ;)</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Frangipani)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 9:14pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Hey DP, I've found this thread to be a good read, and I really appreciate you taking the time to address the concerns people have raised and respond to all of our comments. :)
<BR>I just wanted to throw my two cents in here. I have noticed some discrepancies in how the filter acts / things that we get vios for and I was wondering if you could address that as well.
<BR>For example, the phrase we type that gets changed to &quot;what the horse poo&quot; is obviously caught by the filter and changed. But I have gotten a vio for profanity by typing another abbreviation with the same word (heck my life). I didn't fight it at the time because it was only like a point or two, but it seems like it never should have happened. Why are some phrases considered profanity and some are just filtered out?</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 10:23pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Some things are not so much profanity as just vulgar or &quot;nasty&quot; words. For example the word that filters to &quot;what the horse poo&quot; isn't massively bad, but it can be used in a very nasty manner, thus it's filtered.
<BR>The filter can only handle x amount of words. So those that were pretty bad, and those that were used the most frequently were put in. At this point, it's maxed so if we put something else in then we have to remove something.
<BR>Some swear words are abbreviated to sort of text speak. Abbreviated or not they aren't allowed. Some of the abbreviations if you don't already know aren't quite so bad. Others however where you are deliberately trying to avoid the filter are not good.
<BR>I'm not going to list them here, but for example lets say, *away from game for a bit* was a nasty word (it's not, but I'm using a common abbreviation as an example.) Yet most people don't spell it out, they do &quot;*away from game for a bit*&quot; so that would be 1 point as the player is not trying to avoid the filter and the word wasn't spelled out...
<BR>Now if they do a f k or a-f-k that's trying to avoid the filter so that's 2 points. 1 for swearing and 1 for trying to avoid the filter.
<BR>If they actually spelled it out and it's nasty that's either 2 points usually if caught by the chat flag. If it's nasty I frequently go look at the logs and if they avoiding the filter to say the word anyway, then it's 4 points.
<BR>If a word is caught by the filter and changed, it's fine. No worries.
<BR>My favorite is Structure withholding water... I really like that one. XD
<BR>Though I don't recommend saying it in real life... People tend to look at you a bit funny. *laughing out loud!*</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Jun 22 2020 10:25pm</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Ok, filter changed my word. *rolling on floor laughing!*
<BR>So that *away from game for a bit* is supposed to be A F K put together.
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