HorseIsleData/Scraped/Fourm Archive/MOD_96294.html
2021-10-24 08:48:53 -04:00

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<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<B><FONT SIZE=+1>Horse Isle Forums</FONT><BR></B>
Forums for discussing in game topics with other players. Please use the Contact Us form at the bottom to directly communicate with Horse Isle staff.
<BR>The SUPPORT and BUGS forums have threads removed often to keep them clean and recent. Don't be offended when removed.
<!--<BR><B>Please respect the fact that these forums were not designed for RPG'ing and we do not have the time or ability to properly manage the excessive posting that it entails. We are sorry to those that were not abusing the rules, but too many others were. As a result. NO RPG posting in these forums. Period. Thanks for understanding.</B>-->
<TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=SUPPORT">SUPPORT</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=BUGS">BUGS</A><BR>(15 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GENERAL">GENERAL</A><BR>(27 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=HORSES">HORSES</A><BR>(8 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?FORUM=GAME">GAME</A><BR>(90 topics)</TD></TABLE><HR><B>VIEWING MOD FORUM THREAD: <FONT SIZE=+1>Reid's Grandmother's Legacy Quest</FONT></B><BR><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Piper)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Apr 12 2014 12:19am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Reid's Grandmother's Legacy quest
<BR>Reid is the owner of the rock shop in Treeton.
<BR>Reid knows of a university on the Foreign Lands and has always dreamed of attending it.
<BR>One big problem. It's far away and expensive , plus he's been trying to earn the money through
<BR>running the rock shop, but is nowhere close. There is a less expensive one, but this one has the best geology program and he has his mind is set on going. They want them to submit a collection of gems, minerals, etc and where they were located. He has everything he needs except his grandmothers cataloging cards which he needs you to find! Unfortunately, she took them on her last expedition and left them there, and all he knows is that it was up north.
<BR>He gives you a clue: &quot;As far to north as you can go, to an isle with center snow. Right between a man and bird, dig and you'll find my last word.&quot;
<BR>Go to Icicle Isle
<BR>Stand north of the center tree and dig. You found the catalog box, but the cards are missing!
<BR>Use your mag glass to find a clue.
<BR>Starting at the center tree go 2 steps up and 1 to the right and dig. There's card number one
<BR>Dig on the rocks southwest of the ice sculpture for card two.
<BR>3 steps down and 3 steps to the left from the ice sculpture is card three.
<BR>Dig 2 steps right of the snowman for card four.
<BR>The fifth and final card is one step right of where you find the number one card (above the tree on the beach).
<BR>Take them back to Reid.
<BR>Reward: 8 Green Crystal Shards, 8 Red Crystal Shards and 35 quest points.</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=adminforumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by DesertPaint)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Apr 12 2014 9:40am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Thanks Piper!</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR><TR><TD class=forumpost><FORUMSUBJECT>REPLY:</FORUMSUBJECT> <FORUMUSER>(by Piper)</FORUMUSER> <FORUMDATE>Apr 12 2014 10:43am</FORUMDATE><BR><FORUMTEXT>Your quite welcome DP! I didn't know we had 5 quests out at once! I thought i only saw one and was like &quot;Ok that's cool a new quest!&quot; Then I saw the others! I got questing and took notes for everyone, so update those MMRB's! Enjoy the notes! A Uni does come in handy for Holli's quest. You'll see why in the notes!</FORUMTEXT></TD></TR></TABLE><HR><FORM METHOD=POST>Add a reply to this topic:<BR><TABLE><TR><TD><TEXTAREA NAME=TEXT ROWS=4 COLS=60></TEXTAREA></TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE='ADD REPLY'></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=SUBJECT VALUE='NOT NEEDED'><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=FORUM VALUE='GAME'><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=VIEWID VALUE='96294'></FORM>[ <A HREF='?FORUM=GAME'>GO BACK TO GAME FORUM</A> ]<BR><BR><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%>
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