HorseIsleData/Scraped/Help Center/helpcenter.php@MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=9
2021-10-24 08:48:53 -04:00

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<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<FONT SIZE=+1><B>Horse Isle Help Center</B></FONT><BR>
Browse the different categories for detailed game info and help with any problems you may have.
<A NAME=KB><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR><TD class=forumlist WIDTH=150>Main Category</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=ECONOMY#KB">ECONOMY</A><BR>(12 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=FAQ#KB">FAQ</A><BR>(10 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=GAME#KB">GAME</A><BR>(24 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES#KB">HORSES</A><BR>(38 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=SUPPORT#KB">SUPPORT</A><BR>(38 topics)</TD><TD class=forumlist><A HREF="?MAIN=TOOL BAR#KB">TOOL BAR</A><BR>(36 topics)</TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDiNG=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=FFFFFF><TR><TD class=forumlist WIDTH=150>Sub Category:</TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring#KB">Acquiring</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Breeds#KB">Breeds</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Ownership#KB">Ownership</A></CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER><A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Viewing#KB">Viewing</A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR VALIGN=top><TD WIDTH=250><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%><TR class=a1><TD>1) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=9#KB">Autosell system</A><B> >>></B></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>2) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=8#KB">Buying a horse</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>3) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=7#KB">Capturing a wild horse</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>4) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=71#KB">Horses are hard to find</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>5) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=6#KB">How to find a wild horse</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>6) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=16#KB">How to find out what horses are for sale</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>7) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=70#KB">Someone caught the horse I was going for!</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>8) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=152#KB">The Ads Channel</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>9) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=19#KB">The Horse Whisperer</A></TD></TR><TR class=a0><TD>10) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=151#KB">The Pawneer</A></TD></TR><TR class=a1><TD>11) <A HREF="?MAIN=HORSES&SUB=Acquiring&KBID=56#KB">Wild horses</A></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD VALIGN=top BGCOLOR=FFDDDD> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDiNG=4 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD> &nbsp; <B>Autosell system:</B> A player can put a horse for sale using the AUTOSELL system. When setting a price, do not put spaces or commas in the price. For example, don't type in 5,000 to sell a horse for $5000. This will end up having your horse's price be set at $5 instead.
The Town Hall has a list of all the horses on autosell. These horses can be bought from a player when they are online or offline, if they have a ranch. If the owner has a ranch you can buy the horse there by clicking on the barn. If the owner does not own a ranch, the only way to buy a horse is to be on the same spot as them when they are online.</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%>
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<FONT FACE=Verdana,Arial SIZE=-2>Copyright &copy; 2020 Horse Isle</FONT>
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