Your activation email has been re-sent to ".htmlspecialchars($_POST["RESENDEMAIL"])."
Look for the email from ".htmlspecialchars($from_email)." with your activation code!
You cannot login until you CLICK the link with your code in the email.
Be sure to check your Spam email box in case it goes there.

Go Back to Main Page

"); include("web/footer.php"); exit(); } improper_auth: echo("Improper Account info."); exit(); } if(isset($_POST["USER"], $_POST["PASS"])) { $username = $_POST["USER"]; $password = $_POST["PASS"]; if(!user_exists($username)) goto auth_failed; $id = get_userid($username); if(check_password($id, $password)) { if($email_activation === true) { if(!get_email_activation_status($id)){ email_error: include("web/header.php"); if($eml_err !== NULL){ echo("Errors in Sending Activation Email:
".htmlspecialchars($eml_err, ENT_QUOTES)."

"); } echo('You still need to click the Activation link that was emailed to you at '.htmlspecialchars(get_email($id), ENT_QUOTES).'.
Please check your spam mailbox just in case. The email will be from '.htmlspecialchars($from_email, ENT_QUOTES).'.
If you would like to resend the authentication email somewhere else:
EMAIL:'); include('web/footer.php'); exit(); } } $_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = "YES"; $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'] = $id; $_SESSION["EMAIL"] = get_email($id); $_SESSION['USERNAME'] = get_username($id); $_SESSION['SEX'] = get_sex($id); $_SESSION['ADMIN'] = get_admin($id) ? "YES" : "NO"; $_SESSION['MOD'] = get_mod($id) ? "YES" : "NO"; $_SESSION['PASSWORD_HASH'] = get_password_hash($id); $_SESSION['SALT'] = get_salt($id); if($_SESSION['ADMIN'] == 'YES') $_SESSION['MOD'] = 'YES'; } else { auth_failed: include("web/header.php"); echo('

Username or Password is not valid. Please try again.
Note: Upon too many attempts the account will be temporarily blocked from your IP.

If you have not logged on yet, make sure you have clicked the activation link in the email that was sent to you.

click HERE to Have your password emailed to you.
'); include('web/footer.php'); exit(); } } if(!is_logged_in()) { include("web/header.php"); echo(" Username or Password is not valid or your account has timed out. Please Log in again.

"); $_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = "NO"; include("web/footer.php"); exit(); } if(isset($_GET['CONNECT'])) { $server_id = $_GET['CONNECT']; $server = getServerById($server_id); if($server !== null) { $playerId = $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']; $hmac = GenHmacMessage((string)$playerId, "CrossSiteLogin"); $redirectUrl = $server['site']; if(!endsWith($redirectUrl, '/')) $redirectUrl .= '/'; $redirectUrl .= 'account.php?SLID='.(string)$playerId.'&C='.base64_url_encode(hex2bin($hmac)); set_LastOn($playerId, $server_id); header("Location: ".$redirectUrl); exit(); } } include("web/header.php"); $player_id = $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']; $lastOnServer = get_LastOn($player_id); $moveToFront = getServerById($lastOnServer); if($moveToFront !== null){ for($i = 0; $i < count($server_list); $i++){ if($server_list[$i]['id'] == $lastOnServer) unset($server_list[$i]); } array_unshift($server_list, $moveToFront); } if(!userExistAny($player_id)) echo('
We have a Beginner Guide online to help new players learn how to play.
'); ?>
Horse Isle Server List
Each server is completely independent and has identical game content. Money/horses/subscriptions are all tied to a particular server. Normally you will only play on one server. Playing on any server uses up playtime on all servers, so you do not gain any free time. Reasons for playing on more than one include joining a friend, or in case your normal server is down. Multiple servers are required since there is a max capacity of around 150 players online per server.
Please note, a profile on any individual server will be permanently deleted after 183 days (6 months) of not logging into the game on that specific server or your subscription expiring, whichever is later.[JOIN]'; else $join = '[LOG IN]'; echo(''); if(!$pExist) { echo(''); } else { $newUser = !getUserExistInExt($database, $player_id); if(!$newUser){ $loginDate = getUserLoginDate($database, $player_id); $questPoints = getUserQuestPoints($database, $player_id); $totalLogins = getUserTotalLogins($database, $player_id); $subbed = getUserSubbed($database, $player_id); } else { $loginDate = time(); $questPoints = 0; $totalLogins = 0; $subbed = false; } echo(''); } echo(''); } ?>
You have 8 rule violation points against your account. [ REVIEW VIOLATIONS ]
GAME SERVERS (all identical please only join 1 or 2)PROFILE (not current)ONLINELOGIN

'); if($lastOnServer === $id) echo('You were on this server last time:
'); echo('SERVER: '.strtoupper($domain).'

no existing profile'); if($subbed) echo('ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION'); else echo('Not Subscribed'); $lastOn = 0.00; $current_time = time(); $difference = $current_time - $loginDate; $lastOn = $difference/86400; echo('
Quest Points: '.$questPoints.' pts
'); echo('Times Online: '.$totalLogins.'
'); echo('Last On: '.number_format((float)$lastOn, 2, '.', '').' days ago
'); echo('

Account Settings: CHANGE MY PASSWORD
Refer other players and earn Game Credit!: REFERRAL PROGRAM