Welcome to Horse Isle  
Logged in as: Breezy

Explanation of Rules Broken by your account.

This is only shown to you to give you an idea of what you may have done that was against our rules.
We will not dispute, nor provide any more details about these Violations.
An account needs at least 10 points prior to being "Examined" to see if it requires removal or other steps.
So do not be concerned if you have 1 or 2 points against you. It has NO negative effect on your account.
Violations "Time Out" After 2 months and are removed from your record. The date shown is when we reviewed the violations, so may be a day or 2 later than the actual violation.

Total Chat Violations:
SeverityDescription of Rule BrokenDate
Personal Info: No Asking/Sharing WebsitesNov 07
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