= $cost) { setUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'], $money-$cost); setUserSubbed($dbname,$targetUser, true); setUserSubbedUntil($dbname, $targetUser, $subbedUntil + 2678400); header("Location: ".$_GET["ret"]); } else { include("header.php"); echo("Not enough money."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } } else if(strpos($itm, "Full Year Horse Isle Membership") === 0){ $amount = 40; // NO CHEATING! $cost = ($amount*$quantity)*$EXHANGE_RATE; if($money >= $cost) { setUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'], $money-$cost); setUserSubbed($dbname, $targetUser, true); setUserSubbedUntil($dbname, $targetUser, $subbedUntil + 31622400); header("Location: ".$_GET["ret"]); } else { include("header.php"); echo("Not enough money."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } } else if(strpos($itm, "100k Horse Isle Money") === 0){ // Why thou? $amount = 1; // NO CHEATING! $quantity = intval($_GET["qnt"]); $cost = ($amount*$quantity)*$EXHANGE_RATE; if($money >= $cost) { $amountGained = (100000 * $quantity); if($quantity == 5) $amountGained = 550000; if($quantity == 10) $amountGained = 1100000; if($quantity == 10) $amountGained = 1100000; if($quantity == 20) $amountGained = 2300000; if($quantity == 50) $amountGained = 5750000; if($quantity == 100) $amountGained = 12000000; if($quantity == 250) $amountGained = 31250000; setUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'], $money-$cost); $money -= $cost; if($targetUser == $buyerId) $moneyTarget -= $cost; setUserMoney($dbname, $targetUser, $moneyTarget+=$amountGained); header("Location: ".$_GET["ret"]); } else { include("header.php"); echo("Not enough money."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } } else if(strpos($itm, "Pawneer Order") === 0){ $amount = 8; // NO CHEATING! $cost = ($amount*$quantity)*$EXHANGE_RATE; if($money >= $cost) { setUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'], $money-$cost); addItemToPuchaseQueue($dbname, $targetUser, 559, 1); header("Location: ".$_GET["ret"]); } else { include("header.php"); echo("Not enough money."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } } else if(strpos($itm, "Five Pawneer Order") === 0){ $amount = 30; // NO CHEATING! $cost = ($amount*$quantity)*$EXHANGE_RATE; if($money >= $cost) { setUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'], $money-$cost); addItemToPuchaseQueue($dbname, $targetUser, 559, 5); header("Location: ".$_GET["ret"]); } else { include("header.php"); echo("Not enough money."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } } exit(); } } $quantity = 1; if(!isset($_POST['item_name'], $_POST['amount'], $_POST['item_number'], $_POST['custom'], $_POST['return'])) { include("header.php"); echo("Some data was invalid"); include("footer.php"); exit(); } if(isset($_POST['quantity'])) $quantity = intval($_POST['quantity']); $hasIntl = function_exists('numfmt_create'); if($hasIntl) $fmt = numfmt_create( 'en_US', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ); $toUser = $_POST['custom']; $toUsername = ""; if(!getUserExistInExt($dbname, $toUser)) { include("header.php"); echo("Cannot buy for a user who does not exist on this server."); include("footer.php"); exit(); } else{ $toUsername = get_username($toUser); } include("header.php"); ?>

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