Username or Password is not valid. Please try again.
Note: Upon too many attempts the account will be temporarily blocked from your IP.

If you have not logged on yet, make sure you have clicked the activation link in the email that was sent to you.

click HERE to Have your password emailed to you.
'); include('web/footer.php'); exit(); } } if(!is_logged_in() && isset($_GET["SLID"], $_GET["C"])) { $id = (int)$_GET['SLID']; $code = $_GET['C']; $hmac = GenHmacMessage((string)$id, "CrossSiteLogin"); $hmacSent = bin2hex(base64_url_decode($code)); if(hash_equals($hmacSent,$hmac) && userid_exists($dbname, $id)) { $_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = "YES"; $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID'] = $id; $_SESSION['USERNAME'] = get_username($id); $_SESSION['SEX'] = get_sex($id); $_SESSION['ADMIN'] = get_admin($id); $_SESSION['MOD'] = get_mod($id); $_SESSION['PASSWORD_HASH'] = get_password_hash($id); $_SESSION['SALT'] = get_salt($id); } else { $_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = "NO"; $login_error = "Error in Automatic Login Authentication!"; } } if(!is_logged_in()) { include("web/header.php"); echo(" Username or Password is not valid or your account has timed out. Please Log in again.

"); $_SESSION['LOGGED_IN'] = "NO"; include("web/footer.php"); exit(); } // Get account data $newUser = !getUserExistInExt($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); if(!$newUser){ $money = getUserMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $bankMoney = getUserBankMoney($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $loginDate = getUserLoginDate($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $questPoints = getUserQuestPoints($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $totalLogins = getUserTotalLogins($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $subbed = getUserSubbed($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $subTime = getUserSubTimeRemaining($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); $playtime = getUserPlaytime($dbname, $_SESSION['PLAYER_ID']); } else { $money = 0; $bankMoney = 0; $loginDate = time(); $questPoints = 0; $totalLogins = 0; $subbed = false; $subTime = 0; $playtime = 0; } if($all_users_subbed) $subbed = true; $hasIntl = function_exists('numfmt_create'); if($hasIntl) $fmt = numfmt_create( 'en_US', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL ); include("web/header.php"); ?>
When Ready, ' target=popup onClick="wopen('/horseisle.php?USER=', 'popup', 790, 522); return false;">Enter the World

(' target=popup onClick="wopen('/horseisle.php?USER=', 'popup', 846, 542); return false;">bigger borders version)
(>same window version)
Welcome back , Here is your account info and Horse Isle server status: (refresh)

You have a new account and have not yet logged in!
'); } else{ echo('It has been: '.number_format((float)$lastOn, 2, '.', '').' hours since you were last online. You have logged in '.$totalLoginsStr.' times.
'); } echo('You have $'.$moneyStr.' in Horse Isle money on hand and $'.$bankmoneyStr.' in the bank.
You have earned '.(string)$questPoints.' of 63005 total quest points ('.(string)floor(($questPoints / 63005) * 100.0).'% Complete)
'); if(!$subbed) { echo('You have '.(string)$playtime.' minutes of playtime available. As a non-subscriber you get 1 additional minute every 8 minutes. (subject to change based on load) (why limited?)
'); } ?>

ACTIVE'); $current_time = time(); $difference = $subTime - $current_time; $daysRemain = floor($difference/86400); $daysStr = (string)$daysRemain; if($all_users_subbed) $daysStr = "∞"; echo('
('.$daysStr.' days remain in your subscription) '); } else { echo("NOT SUBSCRIBED
(You have not yet subscribed) "); } ?>(Subscription Benefits)
BUY 1 Month Membership $5.00usd (adds 31 days membership time to the account that you are currently logged in with.) Non-refundable.
"> /web/paypalpayment.php"> /web/paypalgateway.php">
BUY Full Year Membership $40.00usd (adds 366 days membership time to the account you are logged in with. saves $20.00 off monthly subscription) Non-refundable.
"> /web/paypalpayment.php"> /web/paypalgateway.php">
BUY $100,000 Horse Isle Currency per $1.00usd
(Gives your account Horse Isle currency for use in the game. You can earn Horse Isle money by playing the game. This is not required.) Non-refundable.
"> /web/paypalpayment.php"> /web/paypalgateway.php">
BUY Pawneer Order $8.00usd (allows you to order a custom breed/color/gender horse on server from Pawneer. This is not required, you can trade other players to get the breed you desire also.) Non-refundable.
"> /web/paypalpayment.php"> /web/paypalgateway.php">
BUY 5 Pawneer Orders $30.00usd (save $10.00 - allows you to order 5 custom horses from Pawneer) Non-refundable.
"> /web/paypalpayment.php"> /web/paypalgateway.php">
If you happen to have any: Redeem Horse Bucks

Alternative Payment Methods: Check/Cash via postal mail

Gift Payments: /web/giftmembership.php>Pay for a different player