app_xml_format)) { if($xml->app_xml_format->attributes()->sdk_type == "PSM SDK") { return "PSM"; } else { return "PSM Unity"; } } else { return "PSM"; } } if(isset($_GET["game"])) { $game = htmlspecialchars($_GET["game"], ENT_QUOTES); $game = str_replace("/", "",$game); $game = str_replace(".", "",$game); $game = str_replace("*", "",$game); if(strlen($game) != 9) { echo("This is not the bug your looking for :P"); die(); } echo(""); echo(""); $title = getTitle($game); $xml = simplexml_load_file('gameinfo/' . $game . "/app.xml", 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT); $genreList = $xml->genre_list->children(); $languageList = $xml->name->children(); $featureList = $xml->feature_list->children(); $SDKType = getSdkType($xml); $zrifinfo = getZRIF($game); $zrifPendingInfo = getPendingZRIF($game); $pkgSony = getPKG($game); $simulatorZip = "decrypted-files/".$game.".zip"; $verXML = simplexml_load_file('gameinfo/' . $game . "/version.xml", 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT); $latestVersion = (string)($verXML->appVersion); $pkgReborn = "/pkg/".$game."_00/".$latestVersion."/".$game."_00.pkg"; $metadataXML = simplexml_load_file('gameinfo/' . $game . "/". $latestVersion ."/metadata.xml", 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT); $description = $metadataXML->localizedMetadataList->children(); $screenshot = $metadataXML->screenShotList->screenShot; $defaultLocale = (string)$mdxml->localizedMetadataList->attributes()->default_locale; $isplayable = ""; if($zrifinfo == "MISSING" && $zrifPendingInfo == "MISSING") { $isplayable = "No, Missing zRIF - Do you have a working copy of this game?"; } if(file_exists("psdp-packages/".$game.".psdp")) { $isplayable = "Yes, with PSDP Package in Developer Assistant"; } if($zrifinfo != "MISSING") { $isplayable = "Yes! Copy zRIF String or Download FAKE.RIF"; } if($zrifPendingInfo != "MISSING") { $isplayable = "Maybe, Ulthough it hasnt been tested yet- Copy zRIF String or Download FAKE.RIF"; } echo('
'. $title .' ('.$game.')

'. printDescription($description, $defaultLocale) .'
'.printScreenshotsImgTags($screenshot, $latestVersion, $game).'
'); if($zrifinfo == "MISSING"){ echo('
NoPsmDrm License
'); } else{ echo(' '); } echo('
Decrypted Files (For Simulator)'; } else { echo 'button-disabled"> Decrypted Files (For Simulator)'; } echo '
'; } else { $searchUsed = isset($_GET["search"]); $simulatorSearch = false; $unplayableSearch = false; $playableSearch = false; if(isset($_GET["simulator"])) { if($_GET["simulator"] == "on") $simulatorSearch = true; } if(isset($_GET["unplayable"])) { if($_GET["unplayable"] == "on") $unplayableSearch = true; } if(isset($_GET["playable"])) { if($_GET["playable"] == "on") $playableSearch = true; } echo'

Title Title ID Developer
Show Playable (Has zRIF) Show Simulator-Ready Show Unplayable (Only PKG)
'; echo('
'); $dirlist = glob("gameinfo/*"); $playableList = getPlayableList(); $playablePendingList = getPendingPlayableList(); foreach ($dirlist as &$path) { $titleid = basename($path); $xml = simplexml_load_file($path . "/app.xml", 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOENT); $title = $xml->name->localized_item[0]->attributes()->value; $version = $xml->attributes()->version; $genre = $xml->genre_list->genre->attributes()->value; $author = $xml->developer->name->attributes()->value; $website = $xml->website->attributes()->href; $isPlayable = $playableList[$titleid] == 1 || file_exists("psdp-packages/".$titleid.".psdp"); $hasSimulator = file_exists("decrypted-files/".$titleid.".zip"); $isPlayablePending = false; if($searchUsed) { $search = $_GET["search"]; if(isset($_GET["searchby"]) && $search !== "") { $searchby = $_GET["searchby"]; if($searchby === "title") { if(strpos(strtolower($title), strtolower($search)) === false) { continue; } } elseif($searchby === "titleid") { if(strpos(strtolower($titleid), strtolower($search)) === false) { continue; } } elseif($searchby === "dev") { if(strpos(strtolower($author), strtolower($search)) === false) { continue; } } } if(!$simulatorSearch) { if($hasSimulator) { continue; } } if(!$unplayableSearch) { if(!$isPlayable && !$isPlayablePending) { continue; } } if(!$playableSearch) { if(($isPlayable || $isPlayablePending) && !$hasSimulator) { continue; } } } echo '
'; if(getSdkType($xml) == "PSM Unity") { echo ''; } if($isPlayable) { echo ''; } if($isPlayablePending) { echo ''; } if($hasSimulator) { echo ''; } $authorUrl = "libary.php?search=".urlencode($author)."&searchby=dev"; if($playableSearch === true || $searchUsed === false) $authorUrl .= "&playable=on"; if($simulatorSearch === true || $searchUsed === false) $authorUrl .= "&simulator=on"; if($unplayableSearch === true || $searchUsed === false) $authorUrl .= "&unplayable=on"; echo '

Genre: '.$genre.'
Version: '.$version.'
Website: '.$website.'

'; } echo('
'); } include("footer.php"); ?>