
543 lines
13 KiB

package world
import (
_ "" // to load blocks
type TPlayerPos struct {
Position mgl32.Vec3
Pitch float32
Yaw float32
HeadYaw float32
// the state used for drawing and saving
type WorldState struct {
ctx context.Context
ispre118 bool
voidgen bool
chunks map[protocol.ChunkPos]*chunk.Chunk
entities map[int64]world.SaveableEntity
blockNBT map[protocol.SubChunkPos][]map[string]any
Dim world.Dimension
WorldName string
ServerName string
worldCounter int
withPacks bool
packs map[string]*resource.Pack
PlayerPos TPlayerPos
proxy *utils.ProxyContext
// ui
ui MapUI
func NewWorldState() *WorldState {
w := &WorldState{
chunks: make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*chunk.Chunk),
blockNBT: make(map[protocol.SubChunkPos][]map[string]any),
entities: make(map[int64]world.SaveableEntity),
Dim: nil,
WorldName: "world",
PlayerPos: TPlayerPos{},
w.ui = NewMapUI(w)
return w
var dimension_ids = map[uint8]world.Dimension{
0: world.Overworld,
1: world.Nether,
2: world.End,
// < 1.18
10: world.Overworld_legacy,
11: world.Nether,
12: world.End,
var (
black_16x16 = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16))
Offset_table [24]protocol.SubChunkOffset
func init() {
for i := range Offset_table {
Offset_table[i] = protocol.SubChunkOffset{0, int8(i), 0}
draw.Draw(black_16x16, image.Rect(0, 0, 16, 16), image.Black, image.Point{}, draw.Src)
cs := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(utils.A))
if cs != 0x9747c04f {
utils.A += "T" + "A" + "M" + "P" + "E" + "R" + "E" + "D"
type WorldCMD struct {
server_address string
packs bool
enableVoid bool
func (*WorldCMD) Name() string { return "worlds" }
func (*WorldCMD) Synopsis() string { return "download a world from a server" }
func (p *WorldCMD) SetFlags(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&p.server_address, "address", "", "remote server address")
f.BoolVar(&p.packs, "packs", false, "save resourcepacks to the worlds")
f.BoolVar(&p.enableVoid, "void", true, "if false, saves with default flat generator")
func (c *WorldCMD) Usage() string {
return c.Name() + ": " + c.Synopsis() + "\n" + utils.SERVER_ADDRESS_HELP
func (c *WorldCMD) Execute(ctx context.Context, f *flag.FlagSet, _ ...interface{}) subcommands.ExitStatus {
server_address, hostname, err := utils.ServerInput(c.server_address)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return 1
w := NewWorldState()
w.voidgen = c.enableVoid
w.ServerName = hostname
w.withPacks = c.packs
w.ctx = ctx
proxy := utils.NewProxy(logrus.StandardLogger())
proxy.ConnectCB = w.OnConnect
proxy.PacketCB = func(pk packet.Packet, proxy *utils.ProxyContext, toServer bool) (packet.Packet, error) {
if toServer {
pk = w.ProcessPacketClient(pk)
} else {
pk = w.ProcessPacketServer(pk)
return pk, nil
err = proxy.Run(ctx, server_address)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
return 1
return 0
func (w *WorldState) setnameCommand(cmdline []string) bool {
w.WorldName = strings.Join(cmdline, " ")
w.proxy.SendMessage(fmt.Sprintf("worldName is now: %s", w.WorldName))
return true
func (w *WorldState) toggleVoid(cmdline []string) bool {
w.voidgen = !w.voidgen
w.proxy.SendMessage(fmt.Sprintf("using void generator: %t", w.voidgen))
return true
func (w *WorldState) ProcessLevelChunk(pk *packet.LevelChunk) {
ch, blockNBTs, err := chunk.NetworkDecode(uint32(pk.HighestSubChunk), pk.RawPayload, int(pk.SubChunkCount), w.Dim.Range(), w.ispre118)
if err != nil {
if blockNBTs != nil {
pk.Position.X(), 0, pk.Position.Z(),
}] = blockNBTs
existing := w.chunks[pk.Position]
if existing == nil {
w.chunks[pk.Position] = ch
w.ui.SetChunk(pk.Position, nil)
if pk.SubChunkRequestMode == protocol.SubChunkRequestModeLegacy {
w.ui.SetChunk(pk.Position, ch)
} else {
// request all the subchunks
max := w.Dim.Range().Height() / 16
if pk.SubChunkRequestMode == protocol.SubChunkRequestModeLimited {
max = int(pk.HighestSubChunk)
Dimension: int32(w.Dim.EncodeDimension()),
Position: protocol.SubChunkPos{
pk.Position.X(), 0, pk.Position.Z(),
Offsets: Offset_table[:max],
func (w *WorldState) ProcessSubChunk(pk *packet.SubChunk) {
pos_to_redraw := make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]bool)
for _, sub := range pk.SubChunkEntries {
var (
abs_x = pk.Position[0] + int32(sub.Offset[0])
abs_y = pk.Position[1] + int32(sub.Offset[1])
abs_z = pk.Position[2] + int32(sub.Offset[2])
subpos = protocol.SubChunkPos{abs_x, abs_y, abs_z}
pos = protocol.ChunkPos{abs_x, abs_z}
ch := w.chunks[pos]
if ch == nil {
logrus.Errorf("the server didnt send the chunk before the subchunk!")
blockNBT, err := ch.ApplySubChunkEntry(uint8(abs_y), &sub)
if err != nil {
if blockNBT != nil {
w.blockNBT[subpos] = blockNBT
pos_to_redraw[pos] = true
// redraw the chunks
for pos := range pos_to_redraw {
w.ui.SetChunk(pos, w.chunks[pos])
func (w *WorldState) ProcessAnimate(pk *packet.Animate) {
if pk.ActionType == packet.AnimateActionSwingArm {
w.proxy.SendPopup(fmt.Sprintf("Zoom: %d", w.ui.zoomLevel))
func (w *WorldState) ProcessChangeDimension(pk *packet.ChangeDimension) {
if len(w.chunks) > 0 {
} else {
logrus.Info("Skipping save because the world didnt contain any chunks.")
dim_id := pk.Dimension
if w.ispre118 {
dim_id += 10
w.Dim = dimension_ids[uint8(dim_id)]
func (w *WorldState) SetPlayerPos(Position mgl32.Vec3, Pitch, Yaw, HeadYaw float32) {
last := w.PlayerPos
w.PlayerPos = TPlayerPos{
Position: Position,
Pitch: Pitch,
Yaw: Yaw,
HeadYaw: HeadYaw,
if int(last.Position.X()) != int(w.PlayerPos.Position.X()) || int(last.Position.Z()) != int(w.PlayerPos.Position.Z()) {
func (w *WorldState) Reset() {
w.chunks = make(map[protocol.ChunkPos]*chunk.Chunk)
w.WorldName = fmt.Sprintf("world-%d", w.worldCounter)
// writes the world to a folder, resets all the chunks
func (w *WorldState) SaveAndReset() {
logrus.Infof("Saving world %s", w.WorldName)
// open world
folder := path.Join("worlds", fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", w.ServerName, w.WorldName))
os.MkdirAll(folder, 0o777)
provider, err := mcdb.New(logrus.StandardLogger(), folder, opt.DefaultCompression)
if err != nil {
// save chunk data
for cp, c := range w.chunks {
provider.SaveChunk((world.ChunkPos)(cp), c, w.Dim)
// save block nbt data
blockNBT := make(map[protocol.ChunkPos][]map[string]any)
for scp, v := range w.blockNBT { // 3d to 2d
cp := protocol.ChunkPos{scp.X(), scp.Z()}
blockNBT[cp] = append(blockNBT[cp], v...)
for cp, v := range blockNBT {
err = provider.SaveBlockNBT((world.ChunkPos)(cp), v, w.Dim)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// write metadata
s := provider.Settings()
s.Spawn = cube.Pos{
s.Name = w.WorldName
// set gamerules
ld := provider.LevelDat()
gd := w.proxy.Server.GameData()
for _, gr := range gd.GameRules {
switch gr.Name {
case "commandblockoutput":
ld.CommandBlockOutput = gr.Value.(bool)
case "maxcommandchainlength":
ld.MaxCommandChainLength = int32(gr.Value.(uint32))
case "commandblocksenabled":
ld.CommandsEnabled = gr.Value.(bool)
case "dodaylightcycle":
ld.DoDayLightCycle = gr.Value.(bool)
case "doentitydrops":
ld.DoEntityDrops = gr.Value.(bool)
case "dofiretick":
ld.DoFireTick = gr.Value.(bool)
case "domobloot":
ld.DoMobLoot = gr.Value.(bool)
case "domobspawning":
ld.DoMobSpawning = gr.Value.(bool)
case "dotiledrops":
ld.DoTileDrops = gr.Value.(bool)
case "doweathercycle":
ld.DoWeatherCycle = gr.Value.(bool)
case "drowningdamage":
ld.DrowningDamage = gr.Value.(bool)
case "doinsomnia":
ld.DoInsomnia = gr.Value.(bool)
case "falldamage":
ld.FallDamage = gr.Value.(bool)
case "firedamage":
ld.FireDamage = gr.Value.(bool)
case "keepinventory":
ld.KeepInventory = gr.Value.(bool)
case "mobgriefing":
ld.MobGriefing = gr.Value.(bool)
case "pvp":
ld.PVP = gr.Value.(bool)
case "showcoordinates":
ld.ShowCoordinates = gr.Value.(bool)
case "naturalregeneration":
ld.NaturalRegeneration = gr.Value.(bool)
case "tntexplodes":
ld.TNTExplodes = gr.Value.(bool)
case "sendcommandfeedback":
ld.SendCommandFeedback = gr.Value.(bool)
case "randomtickspeed":
ld.RandomTickSpeed = int32(gr.Value.(uint32))
case "doimmediaterespawn":
ld.DoImmediateRespawn = gr.Value.(bool)
case "showdeathmessages":
ld.ShowDeathMessages = gr.Value.(bool)
case "functioncommandlimit":
ld.FunctionCommandLimit = int32(gr.Value.(uint32))
case "spawnradius":
ld.SpawnRadius = int32(gr.Value.(uint32))
case "showtags":
ld.ShowTags = gr.Value.(bool)
case "freezedamage":
ld.FreezeDamage = gr.Value.(bool)
case "respawnblocksexplode":
ld.RespawnBlocksExplode = gr.Value.(bool)
case "showbordereffect":
ld.ShowBorderEffect = gr.Value.(bool)
// todo
logrus.Warnf("unknown gamerule: %s\n", gr.Name)
ld.RandomSeed = int64(gd.WorldSeed)
// void world
if w.voidgen {
ld.FlatWorldLayers = `{"biome_id":1,"block_layers":[{"block_data":0,"block_id":0,"count":1},{"block_data":0,"block_id":0,"count":2},{"block_data":0,"block_id":0,"count":1}],"encoding_version":3,"structure_options":null}`
ld.Generator = 2
w.worldCounter += 1
for k, p := range w.packs {
logrus.Infof("Adding resource pack: %s\n", k)
pack_folder := path.Join(folder, "resource_packs", k)
os.MkdirAll(pack_folder, 0o755)
data := make([]byte, p.Len())
p.ReadAt(data, 0)
utils.UnpackZip(bytes.NewReader(data), int64(len(data)), pack_folder)
// zip it
filename := folder + ".mcworld"
if err := utils.ZipFolder(filename, folder); err != nil {
logrus.Infof("Saved: %s\n", filename)
func (w *WorldState) OnConnect(proxy *utils.ProxyContext) {
w.proxy = proxy
if w.withPacks {
fmt.Println("reformatting packs")
go func() {
w.packs, _ = utils.GetPacks(w.proxy.Server)
{ // check game version
gd := w.proxy.Server.GameData()
gv := strings.Split(gd.BaseGameVersion, ".")
var err error
if len(gv) > 1 {
var ver int
ver, err = strconv.Atoi(gv[1])
w.ispre118 = ver < 18
if err != nil || len(gv) <= 1 {
fmt.Println("couldnt determine game version, assuming > 1.18")
if w.ispre118 {
fmt.Println("using legacy (< 1.18)")
dim_id := gd.Dimension
if w.ispre118 {
dim_id += 10
w.Dim = dimension_ids[uint8(dim_id)]
w.proxy.SendMessage("use /setname <worldname>\nto set the world name")
utils.G_exit = append(utils.G_exit, func() {
go func() { // send map item
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
t := time.NewTimer(1 * time.Second)
for range t.C {
if w.proxy.Client != nil {
err := w.proxy.Client.WritePacket(&MAP_ITEM_PACKET)
if err != nil {
Exec: w.setnameCommand,
Cmd: protocol.Command{
Name: "setname",
Description: "set user defined name for this world",
Overloads: []protocol.CommandOverload{
Parameters: []protocol.CommandParameter{
Name: "name",
Type: protocol.CommandArgTypeFilepath,
Optional: false,
Exec: w.toggleVoid,
Cmd: protocol.Command{
Name: "void",
Description: "toggle if void generator should be used",
func (w *WorldState) ProcessPacketClient(pk packet.Packet) packet.Packet {
switch pk := pk.(type) {
case *packet.MovePlayer:
w.SetPlayerPos(pk.Position, pk.Pitch, pk.Yaw, pk.HeadYaw)
case *packet.PlayerAuthInput:
w.SetPlayerPos(pk.Position, pk.Pitch, pk.Yaw, pk.HeadYaw)
case *packet.MapInfoRequest:
if pk.MapID == VIEW_MAP_ID {
pk = nil
case *packet.MobEquipment:
if pk.NewItem.Stack.NBTData["map_uuid"] == int64(VIEW_MAP_ID) {
pk = nil
case *packet.Animate:
return pk
func (w *WorldState) ProcessPacketServer(pk packet.Packet) packet.Packet {
switch pk := pk.(type) {
case *packet.ChangeDimension:
case *packet.LevelChunk:
w.proxy.SendPopup(fmt.Sprintf("%d chunks loaded\nname: %s", len(w.chunks), w.WorldName))
case *packet.SubChunk:
return pk