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# Weatherscan Simulator
Weatherscan simulation in HTML/JS/CSS
Visit for a demo
## Running locally
1. Download & Install [node.js LTS](
2. Get and API keys.
3. Navigate to `/webroot/js` and create `secrets.js`.
4. Open `secrets.js` and type `var api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'`. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key.
5. On a new line, type `var map_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'`. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key.
6. In terminal, run `npm install --production` in the root folder of this project. This will install any dependencies.
7. In terminal, run `npm start` in the root folder of this project. This will start a local web server.
8. Follow the link in the console output.
## Development
This project uses gulp to compile SASS to CSS.
1. Download & Install [node.js LTS](
2. Run `npm install gulp-cli -g`
2. Run `npm install` in the root folder of this project.
3. Run `gulp` or `gulp watch` in the root directory to compile.