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2021-10-28 04:19:13 +00:00
<TITLE>HORSE ISLE - Online Multiplayer Horse Game</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Horse Game Online MMORPG Multiplayer Horses RPG Girls Girly Isle World Island Virtual Horseisle Sim Virtual">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="A multiplayer online horse world where players can capture, train, care for and compete their horses against other players. A very unique virtual sim horse game.">
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<TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=10><TR><TD><B>Logged in as: SilicaAndPina</B><BR><BR><A HREF=/?LOGOUT=1><img src=/web/but-logout.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/><img src=/web/but-mainpage.gif border=0></A></TD><TD><BR><A HREF=/account.php><img src=/web/but-serverlist.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/news.php><img src=/web/but-news.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/forums.php><img src=/web/but-forums.gif border=0></A><BR><A HREF=/web/helpcenter.php><img src=/web/but-helpcenter.gif border=0></A></TD></TR></TABLE>
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<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2>Moderator Guidelines</FONT></CENTER><BR>
The following is a brief explanation of what we would appreciate from the moderators.<BR>
Too much "moderating" can be counter-productive to the community peace :)<BR>
<b>Also PLEASE try to talk to players privately, NOT in global chat. Doing so makes it
a "scene" which often embarasses the player and makes them less likely to behave.</b>
<B>Example: Chat Spam</B> Definition: Repeating same thing over and over within a short time.
(Once every 5 minutes is fine, but not in a row.. ESPECIALLY when old chat still on screen :)
"Hi i have a great horse for sale" - normal chat, no problem.
"Hi i have a great horse for sale" - repeated.. maybe on accident.
If this is first time player repeats stuff, ignore
"Hi i have a great horse for sale" - private message them nicely asking to stop spamming the chat.
"Hi i have a great horse for sale" - MUTE player 10
<B>Example: Begging</B> Definition: A Player asking for money/horse for free repeatedly.
"Can i have some money!" - Once, ignore it, maybe offer ways for them to earn money
"But i really need some money!" - Twice, private message them a warning to not Beg and suggest ways to earn money/acquire a horse
"But I REEALLY need some money! anyone?" - Third time, MUTE player 10 And explain that begging is not allowed.
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2>How to Handle Certain Situations</FONT></CENTER><BR>
<B>Always be courteous when talking to other players, whether chatting globally or privately. You are a mod and are held to different standards than other players.</B> We all tire of hearing the same questions over and over. It is a good idea to nicely point out the Help Center and New Player Guide as a place to get questions answered, but please answer the question as well. Some people simply like to chat and not read information pages. You can also choose to not say anything at all. Remember, "please" can go a long way.<BR><BR>
Here are some general scenarios and the best way to handle these situations. This is so we know we are all handling situations relatively the same and are not confusing players.<BR>
<B><U>If a player accepted an unfair trade, should you mute and report the other player?</U></B> The basic answer for this is that the player accepted the trade, therefore if the trade was unfair the player should not have accepted it in the first place. The way the trade system is set up now, there is no reason players should accept a trade that is not completely fair. They need to be sure they are offerring everything that was agreed upon along with the other player BEFORE hitting accept. An important statement in the rules is to never trade something you aren't willing to lose. This goes strongly for horses and tack since players seem to like to lend those out.<BR>
The only time a player should really be reprimanded for an unfair trade is if they were clearly taking advantage of a new player (have the 'victim' send in an abuse report against the player) or if someone is consistently saying one thing then doing something else. Such as someone consistently saying they will train a player's horse, then turning around and releasing it or selling it to someone else.<BR>
That also brings up training/boarding. <B>We DO NOT endorse training or boarding.</B> For players that trade their horse to someone to be trained, they do so at their own risk. That player may not give it back or they my even get banned for some reason. <BR>One very important thing to remember with any statements made to you about something that occurred with a different player. <br>If a player reports to you that someone else scammed them, lied, or whatever, <b>DO NOT get involved as you cannot see their chat and one could be lying just to try and get the player in trouble.</b> I have seen this happen. Instead, tell them they must file an abuse report and they should mute and ignore the player. If you don't think they will file the report or seem confused on how to do so, then please do so yourself. <BR><BR>
<B><U>The Art Rooms:</U></B> Only subscribers can draw in art rooms and have it be seen by other players. This basically means that the person probably cares about their account and won't want to be banned so there is less of a chance if abuse of the art rooms. Because there still has been some abuse, now the last person that either drew or loaded a picture will be shown in the art room. If you see something bad in the art room, the name will say either who drew it or who added to it. If someone added to it, it is as bad as drawing it since it should have just been erased, not encouraged. If something bad is drawn in the art room and another player sees it and erases it and a mod doesn't see it, DO NOT go by who the player said drew it if they already erased it. A mod must see it in order to take action. This is so that a player cannot falsely accuse another. If you do find an offending drawing and the person is on, depending on the drawing, the person should be muted and possibly banned (if the drawing is extremely inappropriate). Be sure to privately talk to the player to let them know that what they drew was inappropriate. They were muted for that reason and could be banned. If possible, please take a screenshot of the drawing and email it to me (<BR><BR>
<B><U>If a player is teasing others, what should you do?</U></B> If this is occuring where you can see it (global, buddy, island, etc.) please ask the offending player(s) to stop. If they don't, MUTE for an appropriate length of time for what was happening (generally 15 minutes). If it is reported to you that teasing is occuring, particularly over private chat, inform the player that they should personally mute the offending player and ignore them. If it is serious, they should file an abuse report to be reviewed by one of the admins. As a mod, if something is happening in private chat, you can't see it, so you can only take a player's word on it. Having them ignore/mute the player allows them to continue playing without being harrassed and, if they file an abuse report, the other player could get a chat violation. The mod shouldn't confront the offending player because even copy-pasted chat could have been typed by the player 'copying' it to the mod.<BR>
Commonly players are not realizing that someone isn't private chatting with them, but actually buddy chatting with someone else. If you find someone complaining that a player keeps chatting to them when they've asked them to stop, it is possible that the person is on their BUDDY LIST and are chatting to someone else on their buddy list, but not the other player's. Remember that BUDDY CHAT is pink and PRIVATE CHAT is blue. If the person doesn't want to hear all the chat from someone, they can simply remove them from their buddy list.<BR><BR>
If any of you have questions about how to handle different situations, feel free to send me an email to ask. I can be reached directly at<br><br>
<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2>Moderator Commands</FONT></CENTER><BR>
The following commands are available to moderators in the game. These need to be used for REAL rule breaking! Never for fun or for personal reasons. Doing so will immediately remove your Moderator Privileges.<BR>
Use these ONLY when it is necessary. No one appreciates getting "yelled at". So make sure it deserves it. Make sure you are FAIR also. If someone else started something and you just penalize the second person, that is not fair. Try to penalize both parties equally when possible.<BR>
<B>%PRISON</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>BECAUSE</B> <I>Expain valid reason here</I><BR>
Using this command sends the player to prison isle where they need to spend a few minutes breaking rocks to get off. THIS is not used for serious rulebreaking. Just minor stuff, such as: Begging, globaling private riddle answers / bridge passwords.
<B>%MUTE</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>15</B> <B>BECAUSE</B> <I>Explain valid reason here</I><BR>
<B>%UNMUTE</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>BECAUSE</B> <I>Explain valid reason here</I><BR>
This disables(or enables) a player from chatting to anyone OR getting any chats for 15 minutes. (Admins excepted)<BR>
Valid reasons for doing this include: Potty talk, severe chat spamming (continuing after being asked to stop), severe begging, being mean to people/rude, etc.<BR>
Appropriate Lengths of Time to Mute:<BR>
5 Minutes - More of a warning for a mild offense.<BR>
15 Minutes - Break up a small dispute.<BR>
30 minutes - Minor chat filter avoidance.<BR>
1440 Minutes (Full Day) - SERIOUS racial slurs/extreme swearing filter avoidance.<BR>
2880 minutes (Two Days) - Someone that should probably be banned from the game. Send an abuse report that an admin will review and take appropriate action. <BR><BR>
If a player does not seem to learn from being muted and continues the behavior after the mute is up, increase the mute time slightly. If they were muted for 15 minutes, then mute for 30. If they continue after that, mute for 60, etc.<br>
<B>%RULES</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>BECAUSE</B> <Explain valid reason here</i><BR>
This will send the offending player to a part of Prison Isle called, basically, Rule Isle. This is only to be used for players that don't seem to understand the rules, as in, they are frequently getting muted for spamming/begging/rudeness. This is also good for players that seem to laugh at getting muted. A player will be automatically muted for 20 minutes when sent here.<BR>
Do Not use this on players that continue to post riddles/passwords in global. This is for more serious offenses. For that, if they are chronic sharers of such things, mute them for 5 or 10 and remind them why they shouldn't share those in global.<BR>
<B>Important:DO NOT overuse this isle!</B> It will lose its effectiveness if used too frequently on the same player(s). There are 4 sets of questions asked. After the 4th time there the questions stay the same. If sent too often, the player will be able to memorize the answers and will get nothing out of being sent there.
<B>%BAN</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>BECAUSE</B> <I>Explain valid reason here</I><BR>
This requires TWO moderators to actually happen. Both have to ban the same player one after the other.<BR>
Appropriate reasons for doing this:<BR>
Very bad PlayerName - Offensive<BR>
Terrible behavior that cannot be controlled by a MUTE (??) <BR>
Mainly for use when a new player logs in with an awful name that is certainly not wanted.<BR>
IT BLOCKS: email / name / and IP from being able to sign up again. It also kicks the player off.<BR>
<B>%VIEW</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>STATS</B><BR>
used to view a players money mainly for determining if they have any when helping, etc.<BR>
<B>%VIEW</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>INVENTORY</B><BR>
used to view a players inventory to see if they have a certain object when helping, etc.<BR>
<B>%VIEW</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>QUESTS</B><BR>
used to view a players completed quests.<BR>
<B>%VIEW</B> <I>PlayerName</I> <B>MONEY</B><BR>
show money on hand, and in bank for player.<BR><br>
Please do not advertise to the players that you have this ability. There is no reason for them to know about it.<br>
used to view a list of Text Shortcuts for common responses to players. Please try to PM to players to keep from flooding the chat with these. These should really only be used in global when saying a general reminder because a number of people are breaking that rule, such as a number of people forgetting to use Ads Chat. If only one person forgets, please private message them.<BR>
example: /joe *ADS* - Would yell at joe for forgetting to use Ads Chat :)<BR>
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[ <A HREF=//>New Player Guide</A> ]<BR>
[ <A HREF=/web/rules.php>Rules</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/termsandconditions.php>Terms and Conditions</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/privacypolicy.php>Privacy Policy</A> ]</B><BR>
[ <A HREF=/web/expectedbehavior.php>Expected Behavior</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/contactus.php>Contact Us</A> ]
[ <A HREF=/web/credits.php>Credits</A> ]<BR>
<FONT FACE=Verdana,Arial SIZE=-2>Copyright &copy; 2020 Horse Isle</FONT>
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