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SilicaAndPina 2022-09-07 05:45:33 +00:00
parent 308edb6c3c
commit 94c84ba671
1 changed files with 5 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ v9 RELEASE! - Fixed a bug with gim conversion when spaces in path
v10 RELEASE! - Make the code less crazy ...
v11 RELEASE - Usage changed to require -i and -o instead for more consistancy, also now can read .rcd CXML symbol files
A CXML De/compiler For VITA & PS4 CXML formats. ~ Can decompile PSMA (Playstation Mobile, RCOF (.rco) and RCSF (.rcs)
Was originally made for reading PSM "" but now it can be used on RCO too :D
@ -45,9 +47,9 @@ note: the hevag decoding does NOT support stereo files!
Example Decompile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler common_resource.rco -d -p```
Example Compile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler common_resource\common_resource.xml -c```
Example Decompile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler -i common_resource.rco -o common_resource.xml -d -p```
Example Compile Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler -i common_resource.xml -o common_resource.rco -c```
This is done automatically to any files inside the CXML (providing -p is provided)
but incase you need to do it manually, you can decode a HEVAG file using the following:
HEVAG Decode Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler sound.vag --is-vag```
HEVAG Decode Usage: ```CXMLDecompiler -i sound.vag -o sound.wav --is-vag```