update data

This commit is contained in:
Li 2022-11-26 22:57:56 +13:00
parent 0afb5924fd
commit e9c09c77cd
12 changed files with 713 additions and 1003 deletions

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
NOTE!: Use no exclamation marks or quotes, etc.
./controlservers "MESSAGE Hi to everyone on horse isle."
./controlservers "MODMESSAGE Hi all mods on Horse Isle"
./controlservers "KICK BadPlayer"
./controlservers "MOTD Set the message of the day on all servers."
./controlservers RESET
Publish Beta Content to other servers:
=================[ IN-GAME SERVER COMMAND FOR ADMINS ]=======================
%% <text> Sends chat text to Just ADMINS
% BEEP makes a beep on the server end in case either jor or miranda is watching console
% RESET QUESTS resets your list of completed quests, and quest points. allows you to try threm over again for testing.
% CALL HORSE randomply grabs a horse to you
% PRISON <name> Sends Player to prison isle
% KICK <name> kicks player immediately off server, can log back in
% MUTE <name> <minutes> Mutes a player for a certain number of minutes
% UNMUTE <name> Unmutes player
% DROP <#> Create a new object id at current location
% DROP <name> Create a new object name at current location
% GIVE <player> MONEY <num> Server Gives player num money
% GIVE <player> OBJECT <num> Server Gives player object num
% GIVE <player> OBJECT <name> Server Gives player object with name
% VIEW <user> STATS/INVENTORY shows other players inventory/stats (ITEMS NOT clickable)
% ? <user> show users Current XY IP Location, no user=show YOUR xy
% GOTO NPC <name> jumps you to the named computer character.
% GOTO AREA earton,appleton,treeton,flipperton,santa,santon,shellton,wington,chillton etc.. Jumps admin to city or Island center
% ^ <place> shorthand alias for '%GOTO AREA'
% GOTO <x>,<y> Jump to map location
% GOTO <user> Jump to players location
% JUMP <user> HERE Jumps player to your location! (good for getting the player "unstuck"!)
% MESSAGE ALL Send a server notice to everyone connected
% SAVE MAP Save any changes to the world map
% DRAW MAP Rebuild the pixel game map
SHIFT + UP/DOWN Change Terrain Tile +1/-1
SHIFT + RIGHT/LEFT Change Overlay Tile +1/-1
SHIFT + CTRL Toggle "Footpainting" Walking duplicates tile you are on
% !<#> Set terrain tile to #
% @<#> Set overlay tile to #
% MAPT <title> Change the title of the current location map info
% MAPD <text> Set the description of the current locations map info
% MAPE <UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT> Set the Exit direction for building
% MAPC <text> Set the CODE of the current locations map info
% REFRESH MAPTABLE Reloads all of the map titles/etc off database.
% FILL <terrainid> Does a contiguous flood fill over tile you are on with new tileid
%ROADON Enable Walking roads! Does not handle intersections
%ROADOFF Disable Walking Roads!
% SHUTDOWN NOW shuts server down - does NOT save map
----------------------SUPER ADMIN COMMANDS ----------------------
% DELETE PLAYERID # Complete removes all players info from many tables in database.
% LOAD MAP reLoad the world map
% BUILD MAP Build Terrain from map image
% BUILD MODE Allows editing of map tiles using shiftarrows and following
% TILERANDOM Randomizes all of the terrain that is good to randomize (the duplicate plain terrains)
% AUTOGENFOREST Randomly builds all forests on map
==================[ SQL MAP LOCATION CODES: ]=====================
JUMP-xx,yy Jumps to new x,y use for multi-tile buildings. all players should be in one tile per building
STORE-id Display Store id
FARRIER-id Display Farrier id
VET-id Display Vet id
GROOMER-id Display Groomer id
TRAINER-id Display Trainer id
INN-id Display INN id
ARENA-id Display ARENA id
POND Display pond location
BANK Display generic banking services
TRANSPORT Display all of the available routes in the transport table
MUDHOLE Display a mud hole location
WISHINGWELL Wishing well functionality
2PLAYER-Game 2 Player Game Setup
MULTIROOM multiplayer structureless setup
HORSE-Game Allow selecting horse to play minigame with, sends all stats to game.
RIDDLER Riddler display
WORKSHOP Display any crafts available at location
EXITABLE Simply Adds an Exit at the botton
PASSWORD-SECRETWORD!444 Password required to activate the Action ID
=========================[ META CODES: ]==========================
^I43 - Display Icon #43
^T1Apple Tree - Display Text Label SIZe 1=small 2=medium 3=big: Apple Tree
^R# - Next Line (1= jump 24 pixels down, 2=28,3=32, etc..
^BD2345 - Button Second letter = mode
A=startnpc + npc id
H=replynpc + npc conversation point
M=load the swf + movie name
SW=showscores + Game identifier - Show top wins
SH=showscores + Game identifier - Show high score
ST=showscores + Game identifier - Show best times
N=wish + 1=money, 2=things, 3=world peace :)
Y=buytrans + transport id
Z=exittomap - for npc reply
1 + extended player button functions follow
A=tradeaccept + trade id
J=tradereject + trade id
O=tradeobj + objects id
T=tradeplyr + player id
L=lookplyr + player id
B=addbuddy + player id
R=removebuddy + player id
W=showplyrmap + XXYY Show xy location on map!
S=socialsplyr + player id
X=tag + buddy id
I=ignoreplyr + playerid
H=unignoreplyr + playerid
P=privatemessage + player name
2 + extended multi-player game functions follow
I=Invite to game +player id
A=Accept game + player id
3 + horse functions
B=barnhrs + horse id
E=hrsprofile + horse id
C=cleanhrs + horse id
F=feedhrs + horse id
G=groomhrs + horse id
JI=shodhrs + (IRON) horse id
JS=shodhrs + (STEEL) horse id
I=feedobj + ojects id
K=tackobj + objectid tack object on horse
N=unmounthrs + horseid
O=mounthrs + horseid
O=lookhrs + horse id
P=pethrs + horse id
R=trainhrs + horse id
T=tackhrs + horse id
U=capturehrs+ horse id
V=vethrs + horse id
X=releasehrs + horse id
4 + object functions
A=obj Sell All
BF=buyobj + objects id buy FIVE existing objects
BE=buyobj + objects id buy existing object
BN=buyobj + object id buy new object
BE=buyobj + object id buy and consume new object (INN)
B5=buyobj + object id Buy 5 objects at once
C=craftobj + crafts id
D=dropobj + objects id
E=eatobj + objects id
G=grabobj + objects id
R=graball + object id
UR=userake UNCOVER
UB=usebinocs SEARCH
UM=usemagnify SEARCH
US=useshovel DIG
UT=usetelescope USE
K=drinkobj + objects id
LO=lookobj + objects id look at existing object
LN=lookobj + object id look at a new object
LC=lookobj + npc ID Look at NPC
O=openobj + objects id
V=readobj + R=read L=listall objects id
S=sellobj + objects id
T=throwobj + objects id
W=wearobj + objects id
X=removeobj + body part
Z=ripupobj + objects id
5 + Socials! xnay on the rest, make dynamic!
6 + Ranch functions
P=purchaseranch + ranch id BUY
U=upgraderanch UPGRADE
B=buildspot + building id + position BUILD
R=sellspot + position SELL
S=sell ranch + ranch id SELL
E=ranchprofile PROFILE
L=lookbuilding + building id ?
^A+ Stats Box
B+ stat;stat;stat;etc... - Create basic stat graph
A+ SP base;SP companion;SP tack; SP max; +etc.. - Create advanced stat graph
^P+ Input codes
L+ title | contents - Input line with title and contents settable
M+ title | contents - money Input line with title and contents settable (only numbers!)
B+ vpixsize | contents - Input box with vertical size and contents settable
S+ id | button label - Input Submission Button with id and label settable
^S+ Dynamic submission box codes
^D + code | label - Dynamic Button
^Lthis is a long line -full line of text
^H - header full multilines
^N - NPC Multiline text box, that leaves room for sigle button on bottom right
^M - back to map button
^MM - back to map button AND close module!! (used when looking at horses)
^X - Exit Building button
^Z - end of MetaCodes
=============================[ NETWORK CODES: ]=============================
TO SERVER: (bytes)
(20)+ : Chat code
(20)+text : Global Chat
(21)+text : Local Chat
(22)+name|text : Private Chat
(23)+text : Buddy Chat
(24)+text : HERE Chat
(21)+ : Movement Code (alone means, just update info screen!)
(20) : Move Up
(21) : Move Down
(22) : Move Right
(23) : Move Left
(24) : Exit Building
(22)+ : Who's online?
(20) : Who's online global info display
(21) : Local Players ** Not Implemented **
(22) : who's online global program call
(23) : Local Players program ** Not Implemented **
(23) : Inventory List Request
(24) : Player Status Request (blank=list status)
(20) : Send just Description, for editing
(21) : Save the following as player description!
(30)+amount : Earned money
(40)+id : Earned Object id
(41)+id : Lost Object id
(50)+id : Activate Quest id (for pyramidmaze module, etc)
(51)+id : Activate AWARD id (for awardable scores module, etc)
(55)+id|amount : Horse id Gains amount experience
(60)+(20)+gameid : Won Game
(60)+(21)+gameid : Lost Game
(61)+gameid|score : game score result for tracking high scores
(62)+gameid|time : game time result for tracking best times
(80)+gameid : show top winners
(81)+gameid : show top scores
(82)+gameid : show top times
(25)+ : Horse Stats Request (blank = list horses)
(20)+id : Look at horse
(21)+id : Feed Horse
(22)+id : Tack Horse **
(23)+id : Clean Horse **
(24)+id : Pet Horse
(25)+id : Release Horse
(26)+id : Train hrs
(27)+id : Feed Object to horse
(28)+id : try to Capture a horse
(29)+id : Captured horse
(30)+id : Horse Escaped
(40)+id : Shod Iron on horse id
(41)+id : Shod steel on horse id
(42)+id : Cure horse on horse id
(43)+id : Horse Drink Pond Water (1/20 get sick)
(44)+(20)+id : Edit horse profile
(44)+(21)+id : Save horse profile
(50)+id : Groom horse id
(55)+id : Barn rest horse id
(60)+id : Tack object on horse
(61)+part : Remove tack off horse part
(70)+id : ride horse
(71)+id : stop ride horse
(30) + : Object modification codes
(20) + id : Grab Object with id
(21) : grab all!
(22) + id : open object with id
(30) + id : Drop Object with id
(31) + id : Throw object id
(40)(20) + id : Look at Objects id (exisiting object)
(21) + id : Look at Object id (new object)
(22) + id : Look at NPC id
(42) + id : Read Objects
(43) + id : Rip Up message
(50) + id : Buy Existing Object
(51) + id : Buy new Object
(52) + id : Consume object and buy
(53) + id : Buy 5 of the object
(54) + id : Buy 5 of existing objects
(60) + id : Sell Object
(61) + id : Sell all object of same obbject id
(70) + id : Wear object
(71) + part : remove object
(80) + id : drink object
(81) + id : eat object
(82) + id : drink from fountain
(90) : Dig at current location
(91) : Use binoculars
(92) : Use Magnifying Lens
(93) : Use Lantern
(100)+ id : Craft Object (crafts id)
(35) + : Ranch Ownership Modification Codes
(20) + id : Buy Ranch id
(21) + id : Sell Ranch id
(22) + id : Look at building id
(23) + id : Click Codes +0= cabin +1=buildspot #1,etc.
(24) + id : Updrade Ranch home
(25) + id : Build at position id
(26) + id : destroy building at position id
(27) + id : Edit Ranch Profile
(36) + : Auction House Codes
(40) + id : Bid $10 more on horse
(41) + id : Bid $100 more on horse
(42) + id : Bid $1000 more on horse
(43) + id : Bid $10000 more on horse
(40) + : NPC
(20) + id : Start COnversation with NPC ID
(21) + code : COntinue conversation with npc at code
(41) + id : Activate Transport id
(42) + : Inter-Player Function Codes
(20) + id : look at player id
(30) + id : add player to buddy list
(31) + id : remove player from buddy list
(35) + id : TAG! buddy is it..
(40) + id : Begin trade procedure with player id
(50) + id : IGNORE playerid
(51) + id : unIGNORE playerid
(44) + wish : Wishing well Wish
(45) + score : Report Arena Competition Score result
(46) + gamecode : Show HighScores
(69) + code : Coded Dynamic Button Click with
(70) + code + input contents in order |+ : Coded Input Submission
#1 : Bank transactions
(79) + : Single player Module Requests
(80) + : Inter-Module Communication
(20) + id : Invite player id to play game
(21) + id : Accept game invitation with player id
(80) + data : send data to opponent
(81) + data : send data to everyone in room
(90) +
(20) + player id : Socials request
(21) + code : Dynamic Social Code Activated
(118) : Bird Eye Map request
(119) + X | Y : Client Map Click for info
(120) + : Builder Codes
(20) : +1 Ground Tile ID
(21) : -1 Ground Tile ID
(22) : +1 Overlay Tile ID
(23) : -1 Overlay Tile ID
(124) : Keep ALive Packet, ping-ponged after 1 min inactivity
(125) : CLient notification that player is quitting
(126) : MOTD Requested
(127)+user|pass : login
(127) (after login) ready for data, send all welcome packets
FROM SERVER: (bytes)
(20)+ : Chat code
(20)+text : Global Chat
(21)+text : Local Chat
(22)+text : Private Chat
(21)+XX+YY+DATA : Map Data includes a flag byte8 to determine whether to reset movie
(22) : System Whois Reply
(24)+description : Edit Player Profile
(25)+id|name|description : Edit horse profile
(30) : Meta Codes for dynamically building InfoPane
(35) : SFX Codes
(40)+filename : Display external swf
(41)+filename : Display external swf in protected mode (Map transmissions do not close movie) for cutscenes
(42)+filename : Display external swf gently.. (dont load if one exists)
(80)+data : Pass data straight to module buffer: DATARECEIVE
(117)+overlay data : Overlay Data on which tiles to hide player when on
(118)+map data : bird eye map data
(119)+text : Mouseclick Location info
(120)+update tile at location from build mode
(121)+areas data : send info on all areas for map viewer at login
(122)+time|day|weather //update every minute
(122)+(19)+WEATHER // sudden non transitionsed weather change
(123)+money|mail|players // status bar update
(124) : Keep ALive Reply
(126) : MOTD
(127)+ : Login Attempt
(20): Successful
(21): Incorrect user/pass
(22): Failked + message
(128)+ message : Disconnect with message.
(129)+ Byte Codes for packet checking + Admin Flag
Use a server Function to Check Code, and make code.
Use on all Packets which should be verified (Money earned in module, etc)
X= chr(40)-chr(140) the CODES
Y= chr(40)-chr(140) the checksum
i= a random increment value 1-99
p= coded packet number
Server sends random original code: [60][45][80][100][ i ]
[ X1 ][ X2 ][ X3 ][ Y ]
0,0 at upper left
416pixel wide x 288pixel high
make a EXITMODULE() function! clear intervals and DO NOT set EXIT=true in it!!!
set DATASEND= whatever datastring should be sent to server. include trailing newline!
read DATARECEIVE often to receive data from server/other clients
set ALLOWMOVE=true to allow player to use arrows to leave place
set RELOADABLE=true to allow mod reloading Clicking OK again, etc.. (default to mods started with button code)
set DONOTDISTRUD=true to mods that CANNOT be overwritten. . (arenas)
set module music/sound volume to _parent.VOLUME periodically? to adjust to vol control.
set PLAYMUSIC=true to shutoff Main Game music (for store submusic)
_parent.PLAYERNAME = players username string
IF YOU START AN INTERVAL IN Module, you MUST remove it also!!
PLAYMUSIC=true; //shutoff Main game music for own music
if (MUSIC==undefined) {
MUSIC=new Sound(this);
if (_parent.VOLUME!=undefined) MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); //set volume to parent
function AdjustVolume() { MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); } ///callable function
====================END MUSIC CODE
===================EXAMPLE HEADER CODE:
_root.SendData(str); // send data to server
var DATASEND:String=""; //data to send to server
var DATARECEIVE:String=""; //data sent by server
var EXIT:Boolean=false; // kill this movie when true
var ALLOWMOVE:Boolean=false; //can player leave this movie by walking?
var DONOTDISTURB:Boolean=true; // DOnt allow loading a movie on top of this one.
=======================END HEADER
==================EXAMPLE EXIT CODE:
bEXIT.onPress= function() {
function EXITMODULE() {
==============================END EXIT CODE
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(30)+reward+"\n"; //send reward
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(62)+"Barrel Racing|"+Math.round(Timer*100)+"\n"; //send highscore
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(61)+"SLEIGHRIDE|"+Math.round(DISTANCE)+"\n"; //send highscore
//SQL Queiries
// Users with highes bad pass attempts
SELECT * , count( * ) AS c FROM `badpassattempts` WHERE 1 GROUP BY user ORDER BY c DESC ;
// USers that need removal
SELECT player.id,player.username, DATEDIFF(NOW(),GREATEST(FROM_UNIXTIME(player.loggedoff),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.signedup),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.subscribedtill))) AS timeoff, 30+playerextended.timesonline AS minimum FROM `player` LEFT JOIN playerextended ON player.id=playerextended.playerid WHERE 1 ORDER BY timeoff DESC;
// Refferals by players
SELECT count(*) AS referrals,SUM(totalpayments),referredby FROM playerextended WHERE referredby!="" AND activationcode="" GROUP BY referredby ORDER by referrals DESC;
// Income
SELECT type,MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) AS RevenueMonth,SUM(fee) AS TotalFees,SUM(amount)-SUM(fee) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments where 1 GROUP BY MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)),type;
// End of month income
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server;
// Particular Month Income for each server:
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=4 AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server;
// VERIFY TOTAL MONTH INCOME for each month:
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) ;
/// List all current Subscribers
SELECT username, playerid FROM `playerextended` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( subscribedtill ) > NOW( );
//Find mods?
SELECT masterplayer.username, masterplayer.lastserver, masterplayer.age, masterplayer.email, sum( payments.amount ) AS payments, sum( ruleviolations.points ) AS vios FROM masterplayer LEFT JOIN payments ON payments.playerid = masterplayer.id LEFT JOIN ruleviolations ON ruleviolations.playerid = masterplayer.id WHERE masterplayer.age >17 AND masterplayer.lastserver = 'bay' AND masterplayer.moderator = 'NO' GROUP BY payments.playerid, ruleviolations.playerid ORDER BY vios, payments DESC

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
NOTE!: Use no exclamation marks or quotes, etc.
./controlservers "MESSAGE Hi to everyone on horse isle."
./controlservers "MODMESSAGE Hi all mods on Horse Isle"
./controlservers "KICK BadPlayer"
./controlservers "MOTD Set the message of the day on all servers."
./controlservers RESET
Publish Beta Content to other servers:
=================[ IN-GAME SERVER COMMAND FOR ADMINS ]=======================
%% <text> Sends chat text to Just ADMINS
% BEEP makes a beep on the server end in case either jor or miranda is watching console
% RESET QUESTS resets your list of completed quests, and quest points. allows you to try threm over again for testing.
% CALL HORSE randomply grabs a horse to you
% PRISON <name> Sends Player to prison isle
% KICK <name> kicks player immediately off server, can log back in
% MUTE <name> <minutes> Mutes a player for a certain number of minutes
% UNMUTE <name> Unmutes player
% DROP <#> Create a new object id at current location
% DROP <name> Create a new object name at current location
% GIVE <player> MONEY <num> Server Gives player num money
% GIVE <player> OBJECT <num> Server Gives player object num
% GIVE <player> OBJECT <name> Server Gives player object with name
% VIEW <user> STATS/INVENTORY shows other players inventory/stats (ITEMS NOT clickable)
% ? <user> show users Current XY IP Location, no user=show YOUR xy
% GOTO NPC <name> jumps you to the named computer character.
% GOTO AREA earton,appleton,treeton,flipperton,santa,santon,shellton,wington,chillton etc.. Jumps admin to city or Island center
% ^ <place> shorthand alias for '%GOTO AREA'
% GOTO <x>,<y> Jump to map location
% GOTO <user> Jump to players location
% JUMP <user> HERE Jumps player to your location! (good for getting the player "unstuck"!)
% MESSAGE ALL Send a server notice to everyone connected
% SAVE MAP Save any changes to the world map
% DRAW MAP Rebuild the pixel game map
SHIFT + UP/DOWN Change Terrain Tile +1/-1
SHIFT + RIGHT/LEFT Change Overlay Tile +1/-1
SHIFT + CTRL Toggle "Footpainting" Walking duplicates tile you are on
% !<#> Set terrain tile to #
% @<#> Set overlay tile to #
% MAPT <title> Change the title of the current location map info
% MAPD <text> Set the description of the current locations map info
% MAPE <UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT> Set the Exit direction for building
% MAPC <text> Set the CODE of the current locations map info
% REFRESH MAPTABLE Reloads all of the map titles/etc off database.
% FILL <terrainid> Does a contiguous flood fill over tile you are on with new tileid
%ROADON Enable Walking roads! Does not handle intersections
%ROADOFF Disable Walking Roads!
% SHUTDOWN NOW shuts server down - does NOT save map
----------------------SUPER ADMIN COMMANDS ----------------------
% DELETE PLAYERID # Complete removes all players info from many tables in database.
% LOAD MAP reLoad the world map
% BUILD MAP Build Terrain from map image
% BUILD MODE Allows editing of map tiles using shiftarrows and following
% TILERANDOM Randomizes all of the terrain that is good to randomize (the duplicate plain terrains)
% AUTOGENFOREST Randomly builds all forests on map
==================[ SQL MAP LOCATION CODES: ]=====================
JUMP-xx,yy Jumps to new x,y use for multi-tile buildings. all players should be in one tile per building
STORE-id Display Store id
FARRIER-id Display Farrier id
VET-id Display Vet id
GROOMER-id Display Groomer id
TRAINER-id Display Trainer id
INN-id Display INN id
ARENA-id Display ARENA id
POND Display pond location
BANK Display generic banking services
TRANSPORT Display all of the available routes in the transport table
MUDHOLE Display a mud hole location
WISHINGWELL Wishing well functionality
2PLAYER-Game 2 Player Game Setup
MULTIROOM multiplayer structureless setup
HORSE-Game Allow selecting horse to play minigame with, sends all stats to game.
RIDDLER Riddler display
WORKSHOP Display any crafts available at location
EXITABLE Simply Adds an Exit at the botton
PASSWORD-SECRETWORD!444 Password required to activate the Action ID
=========================[ META CODES: ]==========================
^I43 - Display Icon #43
^T1Apple Tree - Display Text Label SIZe 1=small 2=medium 3=big: Apple Tree
^R# - Next Line (1= jump 24 pixels down, 2=28,3=32, etc..
^BD2345 - Button Second letter = mode
A=startnpc + npc id
H=replynpc + npc conversation point
M=load the swf + movie name
SW=showscores + Game identifier - Show top wins
SH=showscores + Game identifier - Show high score
ST=showscores + Game identifier - Show best times
N=wish + 1=money, 2=things, 3=world peace :)
Y=buytrans + transport id
Z=exittomap - for npc reply
1 + extended player button functions follow
A=tradeaccept + trade id
J=tradereject + trade id
O=tradeobj + objects id
T=tradeplyr + player id
L=lookplyr + player id
B=addbuddy + player id
R=removebuddy + player id
W=showplyrmap + XXYY Show xy location on map!
S=socialsplyr + player id
X=tag + buddy id
I=ignoreplyr + playerid
H=unignoreplyr + playerid
P=privatemessage + player name
2 + extended multi-player game functions follow
I=Invite to game +player id
A=Accept game + player id
3 + horse functions
B=barnhrs + horse id
E=hrsprofile + horse id
C=cleanhrs + horse id
F=feedhrs + horse id
G=groomhrs + horse id
JI=shodhrs + (IRON) horse id
JS=shodhrs + (STEEL) horse id
I=feedobj + ojects id
K=tackobj + objectid tack object on horse
N=unmounthrs + horseid
O=mounthrs + horseid
O=lookhrs + horse id
P=pethrs + horse id
R=trainhrs + horse id
T=tackhrs + horse id
U=capturehrs+ horse id
V=vethrs + horse id
X=releasehrs + horse id
4 + object functions
A=obj Sell All
BF=buyobj + objects id buy FIVE existing objects
BE=buyobj + objects id buy existing object
BN=buyobj + object id buy new object
BE=buyobj + object id buy and consume new object (INN)
B5=buyobj + object id Buy 5 objects at once
C=craftobj + crafts id
D=dropobj + objects id
E=eatobj + objects id
G=grabobj + objects id
R=graball + object id
UR=userake UNCOVER
UB=usebinocs SEARCH
UM=usemagnify SEARCH
US=useshovel DIG
UT=usetelescope USE
K=drinkobj + objects id
LO=lookobj + objects id look at existing object
LN=lookobj + object id look at a new object
LC=lookobj + npc ID Look at NPC
O=openobj + objects id
V=readobj + R=read L=listall objects id
S=sellobj + objects id
T=throwobj + objects id
W=wearobj + objects id
X=removeobj + body part
Z=ripupobj + objects id
5 + Socials! xnay on the rest, make dynamic!
6 + Ranch functions
P=purchaseranch + ranch id BUY
U=upgraderanch UPGRADE
B=buildspot + building id + position BUILD
R=sellspot + position SELL
S=sell ranch + ranch id SELL
E=ranchprofile PROFILE
L=lookbuilding + building id ?
^A+ Stats Box
B+ stat;stat;stat;etc... - Create basic stat graph
A+ SP base;SP companion;SP tack; SP max; +etc.. - Create advanced stat graph
^P+ Input codes
L+ title | contents - Input line with title and contents settable
M+ title | contents - money Input line with title and contents settable (only numbers!)
B+ vpixsize | contents - Input box with vertical size and contents settable
S+ id | button label - Input Submission Button with id and label settable
^S+ Dynamic submission box codes
^D + code | label - Dynamic Button
^Lthis is a long line -full line of text
^H - header full multilines
^N - NPC Multiline text box, that leaves room for sigle button on bottom right
^M - back to map button
^MM - back to map button AND close module!! (used when looking at horses)
^X - Exit Building button
^Z - end of MetaCodes
=============================[ NETWORK CODES: ]=============================
TO SERVER: (bytes)
(20)+ : Chat code
(20)+text : Global Chat
(21)+text : Local Chat
(22)+name|text : Private Chat
(23)+text : Buddy Chat
(24)+text : HERE Chat
(21)+ : Movement Code (alone means, just update info screen!)
(20) : Move Up
(21) : Move Down
(22) : Move Right
(23) : Move Left
(24) : Exit Building
(22)+ : Who's online?
(20) : Who's online global info display
(21) : Local Players ** Not Implemented **
(22) : who's online global program call
(23) : Local Players program ** Not Implemented **
(23) : Inventory List Request
(24) : Player Status Request (blank=list status)
(20) : Send just Description, for editing
(21) : Save the following as player description!
(30)+amount : Earned money
(40)+id : Earned Object id
(41)+id : Lost Object id
(50)+id : Activate Quest id (for pyramidmaze module, etc)
(51)+id : Activate AWARD id (for awardable scores module, etc)
(55)+id|amount : Horse id Gains amount experience
(60)+(20)+gameid : Won Game
(60)+(21)+gameid : Lost Game
(61)+gameid|score : game score result for tracking high scores
(62)+gameid|time : game time result for tracking best times
(80)+gameid : show top winners
(81)+gameid : show top scores
(82)+gameid : show top times
(25)+ : Horse Stats Request (blank = list horses)
(20)+id : Look at horse
(21)+id : Feed Horse
(22)+id : Tack Horse **
(23)+id : Clean Horse **
(24)+id : Pet Horse
(25)+id : Release Horse
(26)+id : Train hrs
(27)+id : Feed Object to horse
(28)+id : try to Capture a horse
(29)+id : Captured horse
(30)+id : Horse Escaped
(40)+id : Shod Iron on horse id
(41)+id : Shod steel on horse id
(42)+id : Cure horse on horse id
(43)+id : Horse Drink Pond Water (1/20 get sick)
(44)+(20)+id : Edit horse profile
(44)+(21)+id : Save horse profile
(50)+id : Groom horse id
(55)+id : Barn rest horse id
(60)+id : Tack object on horse
(61)+part : Remove tack off horse part
(70)+id : ride horse
(71)+id : stop ride horse
(30) + : Object modification codes
(20) + id : Grab Object with id
(21) : grab all!
(22) + id : open object with id
(30) + id : Drop Object with id
(31) + id : Throw object id
(40)(20) + id : Look at Objects id (exisiting object)
(21) + id : Look at Object id (new object)
(22) + id : Look at NPC id
(42) + id : Read Objects
(43) + id : Rip Up message
(50) + id : Buy Existing Object
(51) + id : Buy new Object
(52) + id : Consume object and buy
(53) + id : Buy 5 of the object
(54) + id : Buy 5 of existing objects
(60) + id : Sell Object
(61) + id : Sell all object of same obbject id
(70) + id : Wear object
(71) + part : remove object
(80) + id : drink object
(81) + id : eat object
(82) + id : drink from fountain
(90) : Dig at current location
(91) : Use binoculars
(92) : Use Magnifying Lens
(93) : Use Lantern
(100)+ id : Craft Object (crafts id)
(35) + : Ranch Ownership Modification Codes
(20) + id : Buy Ranch id
(21) + id : Sell Ranch id
(22) + id : Look at building id
(23) + id : Click Codes +0= cabin +1=buildspot #1,etc.
(24) + id : Updrade Ranch home
(25) + id : Build at position id
(26) + id : destroy building at position id
(27) + id : Edit Ranch Profile
(36) + : Auction House Codes
(40) + id : Bid $10 more on horse
(41) + id : Bid $100 more on horse
(42) + id : Bid $1000 more on horse
(43) + id : Bid $10000 more on horse
(40) + : NPC
(20) + id : Start COnversation with NPC ID
(21) + code : COntinue conversation with npc at code
(41) + id : Activate Transport id
(42) + : Inter-Player Function Codes
(20) + id : look at player id
(30) + id : add player to buddy list
(31) + id : remove player from buddy list
(35) + id : TAG! buddy is it..
(40) + id : Begin trade procedure with player id
(50) + id : IGNORE playerid
(51) + id : unIGNORE playerid
(44) + wish : Wishing well Wish
(45) + score : Report Arena Competition Score result
(46) + gamecode : Show HighScores
(69) + code : Coded Dynamic Button Click with
(70) + code + input contents in order |+ : Coded Input Submission
#1 : Bank transactions
(79) + : Single player Module Requests
(80) + : Inter-Module Communication
(20) + id : Invite player id to play game
(21) + id : Accept game invitation with player id
(80) + data : send data to opponent
(81) + data : send data to everyone in room
(90) +
(20) + player id : Socials request
(21) + code : Dynamic Social Code Activated
(118) : Bird Eye Map request
(119) + X | Y : Client Map Click for info
(120) + : Builder Codes
(20) : +1 Ground Tile ID
(21) : -1 Ground Tile ID
(22) : +1 Overlay Tile ID
(23) : -1 Overlay Tile ID
(124) : Keep ALive Packet, ping-ponged after 1 min inactivity
(125) : CLient notification that player is quitting
(126) : MOTD Requested
(127)+user|pass : login
(127) (after login) ready for data, send all welcome packets
FROM SERVER: (bytes)
(20)+ : Chat code
(20)+text : Global Chat
(21)+text : Local Chat
(22)+text : Private Chat
(21)+XX+YY+DATA : Map Data includes a flag byte8 to determine whether to reset movie
(22) : System Whois Reply
(24)+description : Edit Player Profile
(25)+id|name|description : Edit horse profile
(30) : Meta Codes for dynamically building InfoPane
(35) : SFX Codes
(40)+filename : Display external swf
(41)+filename : Display external swf in protected mode (Map transmissions do not close movie) for cutscenes
(42)+filename : Display external swf gently.. (dont load if one exists)
(80)+data : Pass data straight to module buffer: DATARECEIVE
(117)+overlay data : Overlay Data on which tiles to hide player when on
(118)+map data : bird eye map data
(119)+text : Mouseclick Location info
(120)+update tile at location from build mode
(121)+areas data : send info on all areas for map viewer at login
(122)+time|day|weather //update every minute
(122)+(19)+WEATHER // sudden non transitionsed weather change
(123)+money|mail|players // status bar update
(124) : Keep ALive Reply
(126) : MOTD
(127)+ : Login Attempt
(20): Successful
(21): Incorrect user/pass
(22): Failked + message
(128)+ message : Disconnect with message.
(129)+ Byte Codes for packet checking + Admin Flag
Use a server Function to Check Code, and make code.
Use on all Packets which should be verified (Money earned in module, etc)
X= chr(40)-chr(140) the CODES
Y= chr(40)-chr(140) the checksum
i= a random increment value 1-99
p= coded packet number
Server sends random original code: [60][45][80][100][ i ]
[ X1 ][ X2 ][ X3 ][ Y ]
0,0 at upper left
416pixel wide x 288pixel high
make a EXITMODULE() function! clear intervals and DO NOT set EXIT=true in it!!!
set DATASEND= whatever datastring should be sent to server. include trailing newline!
read DATARECEIVE often to receive data from server/other clients
set ALLOWMOVE=true to allow player to use arrows to leave place
set RELOADABLE=true to allow mod reloading Clicking OK again, etc.. (default to mods started with button code)
set DONOTDISTRUD=true to mods that CANNOT be overwritten. . (arenas)
set module music/sound volume to _parent.VOLUME periodically? to adjust to vol control.
set PLAYMUSIC=true to shutoff Main Game music (for store submusic)
_parent.PLAYERNAME = players username string
IF YOU START AN INTERVAL IN Module, you MUST remove it also!!
PLAYMUSIC=true; //shutoff Main game music for own music
if (MUSIC==undefined) {
MUSIC=new Sound(this);
if (_parent.VOLUME!=undefined) MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); //set volume to parent
function AdjustVolume() { MUSIC.setVolume(_parent.VOLUME); } ///callable function
====================END MUSIC CODE
===================EXAMPLE HEADER CODE:
_root.SendData(str); // send data to server
var DATASEND:String=""; //data to send to server
var DATARECEIVE:String=""; //data sent by server
var EXIT:Boolean=false; // kill this movie when true
var ALLOWMOVE:Boolean=false; //can player leave this movie by walking?
var DONOTDISTURB:Boolean=true; // DOnt allow loading a movie on top of this one.
=======================END HEADER
==================EXAMPLE EXIT CODE:
bEXIT.onPress= function() {
function EXITMODULE() {
==============================END EXIT CODE
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(30)+reward+"\n"; //send reward
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(62)+"Barrel Racing|"+Math.round(Timer*100)+"\n"; //send highscore
DATASEND+=chr(24)+chr(61)+"SLEIGHRIDE|"+Math.round(DISTANCE)+"\n"; //send highscore
//SQL Queiries
// Users with highes bad pass attempts
SELECT * , count( * ) AS c FROM `badpassattempts` WHERE 1 GROUP BY user ORDER BY c DESC ;
// USers that need removal
SELECT player.id,player.username, DATEDIFF(NOW(),GREATEST(FROM_UNIXTIME(player.loggedoff),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.signedup),FROM_UNIXTIME(playerextended.subscribedtill))) AS timeoff, 30+playerextended.timesonline AS minimum FROM `player` LEFT JOIN playerextended ON player.id=playerextended.playerid WHERE 1 ORDER BY timeoff DESC;
// Refferals by players
SELECT count(*) AS referrals,SUM(totalpayments),referredby FROM playerextended WHERE referredby!="" AND activationcode="" GROUP BY referredby ORDER by referrals DESC;
// Income
SELECT type,MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)) AS RevenueMonth,SUM(fee) AS TotalFees,SUM(amount)-SUM(fee) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments where 1 GROUP BY MONTH(FROM_UNIXTIME(time)),type;
// End of month income
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server;
// Particular Month Income for each server:
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=4 AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) , server;
// VERIFY TOTAL MONTH INCOME for each month:
SELECT TYPE , server, MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) AS RevenueMonth, SUM( fee ) AS TotalFees, SUM( amount ) - SUM( fee ) AS TotalRevenue FROM payments WHERE TYPE != 'HORSEBUCKS' AND YEAR(FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) )=2008 GROUP BY MONTH( FROM_UNIXTIME( time ) ) ;
/// List all current Subscribers
SELECT username, playerid FROM `playerextended` WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( subscribedtill ) > NOW( );
//Find mods?
SELECT masterplayer.username, masterplayer.lastserver, masterplayer.age, masterplayer.email, sum( payments.amount ) AS payments, sum( ruleviolations.points ) AS vios FROM masterplayer LEFT JOIN payments ON payments.playerid = masterplayer.id LEFT JOIN ruleviolations ON ruleviolations.playerid = masterplayer.id WHERE masterplayer.age >17 AND masterplayer.lastserver = 'bay' AND masterplayer.moderator = 'NO' GROUP BY payments.playerid, ruleviolations.playerid ORDER BY vios, payments DESC

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /dev/MUSIC was not found on this server.</p>

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /dev/MUSIC was not found on this server.</p>

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
<p>The requested URL /dev/TILES was not found on this server.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"hisp_specific": {
"HISP_help_command_usage_format":"<B><FONT COLOR='#800000'>%PREFIX%%COMMANDNAME%</FONT></B> <B>%USAGE%</B>"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ {
"tile_paramaters":{ "tile_paramaters":{
"terrain_tiles":[ "terrain_tiles": [
{"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"},
{"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"},
{"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"}, {"passable":false,"tile_type":"WATER"},
@ -211,26 +211,712 @@
{"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"}, {"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"},
{"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"} {"passable":true,"tile_type":"LAVA"}
], ],
"overlay_tiles":{ "overlay_tiles": [
"tile_depth":[3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,0,0,0,1,1,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": true},
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,1,3,2,3,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,3,2,2,2,2,2, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,2, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,0,0,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3,2,2,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,1,1,2,2,2,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,2,3,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,2,1, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,2,2,3,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,0,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,1,3,1,2,2,2,2,0,0,2,0,3,3,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,2,2,2,2, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,2,2, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,2,2,2,2,2,0,0,1,1,1,1,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,1,3,1,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,2, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,2,2,2,2,2,3,2,1,3,3,2,2,3,3,2,2,2,3,0,0,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": false},
2,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,3,3,3, {"show_player": true, "passable": true},
3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,3,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2, {"show_player": false, "passable": false},
3,3,1,1,1,1,3,3,3,3], {"show_player": false, "passable": false},
} {"show_player": false, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": false},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": true, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
{"show_player": false, "passable": true},
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